Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Zerg is your friend

After another night (5th in a row or so?) that we could not get enough people for BWL, we killed Onyxia (yes, no netherwind AGAIN! FFS) and then Vinnie set up a full Ravens AB-raid. Moewhahaha. Now here is where the fun starts. It's not like we're playing like a premade (zerg is your friend after all), but we have some major advantages. While we are sheeping their healers, they can not sheep ours simply because we have none. All those bastard-priests are shadowspecced and there is no more to be expected than a shield every once in a while. Healing is overrated as we cleaned 8 or 9 AB's in a row (including premade) this way in true Ravens style. In the pic our GM in his standard PvP outfit! :D

-- Zhero


Blogger Zhero said...

I is zeh uber-blogger!


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