Friday, October 20, 2006

Fire or Frost?

This is always something on a mage's mind. Fire of frost? Frost or fire? The difference is clear. Frost is all about survivability and sustained damage and the spec to have when running MC and BWL. Fire is all about glass cannon, burst damage and PvP (I heard Naxx and AQ40 are fine for firemages, but we don't run that). At least that is my opinion. Now I've always been a firemage.

When I started this game (like 1 week after release), I made a tauren druid. It was only in crossroads when I first even saw an undead. I saw them dance and was hooked. I decided to make an undead mage.I choose female, because I thought they had the cool dance as well (which unfortunately they don't). This mage I levelled to 60 first and I managed to get belt of the archmage while only a few people had it and mooncloth robe. Those were the days, where we thought that stats meant something. I put the mage aside, levelled a lock to 60 and never looked back. I even finished my druid to 60 and had my lock and druid in t1, before I even returned to my mage. And it feels good. Real good

This weekend I played Alterac Valley till deep in the night (yep +damage is the way to go, so I want those offhands). I was frost, but decided to go back to fire. My gold was finally going up again (112g) and I clicked the talents at 05:00 am. THIS IS A VERY BAD IDEA! Never ever respec when you are tired!!! I misclicked not once, but twice and was smart enough to just log and respec again in the morning. In the morning I was awake enough to do it right and paid 100g to go from frost to fire. Yes, I am a retard, I know.

So I am back to fire, like it a lot and plan to stay it for a while (well, have to as I am broke now) and try to finish the last 3,5k I need in AV. I'm doing fine but when I browsed my screenies this morning, I found this one. I made it last week, when I was frost. Hmmmm, frost.......

-- Zhero


Anonymous Anonymous said...

well i specced to 31 frost 20 fire yesterday, its kinda ok but i think ill spec back to 28/23, i miss blast wave the extra dmg and extra crit ;)



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