Monday, October 23, 2006

Weekend Recap

First of all: I am exalted with Alterac Valley! Finally done with it for the third time now (my druid and warlock both are exalted as well). I immediately went to Tarren Mill, rode to the entrance and found out the offhands (frost and fire) and the ring are respectively 40, 40 and 60 gold. Looking at my grand total of 7g34s, I knew it was not gonna happen. Kinda dumb to fly all the way for nothing. Ah! My warlock still had some gold. I relogged, send all the money on my lock (34g) and relogged again. I bought the fire offhand, the rest would have to wait.

Now Friday I had a drink from work and continued drinking in the evening with some friends at the local bar and Saturday I had my daughter’s birthdayparty and a gaming (boardgames) evening at a friends house. While playing ‘Koehandel’ there, I leeched the last part of rep in AV (I am normally not like that, but with Horde losing almost all AV’s nowadays, you just want to get it over with). I came home at 02:30 and played till 05:00 till I was exalted. Dedication is what gets you stuff. Remember that! Ah, and not only dedication, but a friend of mine closes his Horde account (he has 2) and send me all the mooncloth he had on the 3 moonclothbots which he made of the 2 lvl60’s and 1 lvl35 he had. Something like 25-30 mooncloth which I sold pretty quick for around 200g. (yiehaa frost offhand + AVring). Thumbs up for having friends! Ofcourse I took the wolf as well for 8g!

Molten Core on Sunday. Niiice. I still had some items to go for, so was glad it was on the planning. We normally start at 01:00 and my alarm was on 11:00. Plenty of time you would say. I woke up at 11:00, still felt tired and turned around once more and put off my alarm. Then my phone rang which woke me up. As I was waking up from the depths I activated my answer-the-phone-while-sounding-awake-but-totally-not-knowing-what-it-is-all-aboutbot. I see the time and suddenly I was awake! 14:30! Goddamnit! I log on, get invited and am on my way to MC, only to be in time for Garr. Suxxxx! Well, 1 wipe at Domo and people logging made it impossible to go on for Ragnaros, so we decided to let domo live as well. You might as well give the crew who will go there some loot as well later on.

Trick and Treat gave me this nice mask as well btw. I think it looks awesome on a female-ud. I have the Tauren-version as well, but that kinda sucks tbh. Well, that was my weekend, nothing much else than the usual: drinking, gaming and my daughter! (not in that order though :D)

-- Zhero


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