Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Arena debute

What do you do when you are 70? For me it is PvP. I like it, I love it, I enjoy it most of the times whether it’s zerging in AB/AV, flagstealing in WSG or getting owned by hard hitting warriors in EOTS. Never mind about the hard hitting warriors, that happens all the time....damn bastards!

And Arena ofcourse. We finally got teams going. Last week we hurried and got some games to get points. This week is already more serious.

Our 2v2 team consists of
- Szwok (mage)
- Nimra (warlock)
- Kirosta (rogue)
- Artanias (mage)

While our 3v3 team is with
- Szwok (mage)
- Nimra (warlock)
- Kirosta (rogue)
- Krexxor (shaman)

We did some 5v5 games as well and that was fun, but I think you really need at least a blessing-of-freedommed warrior there who hits hard. We do not have such a warrior at the moment, but that might come later. (currently Kipucka joined a few games, but he’s (temporarily?) quitting the game this week I believe. It’s no problem, as soon as we find a good warrior (hopefully Sad can play some more), I will go on Soni the paladin and with krexxor, nimra and szwok we have a nice team I guess.

My experience so far
1. It is hard.
A lot harder than you think to actually make sure you are playing optimal. So far it is not about winning or losing, but more about nmaking sure you press your buttons, use your cooldowns and play as optimal as you can. I know I learned A LOT. First 10 games, I came out with most of my cooldowns either unused because I was dead already or unused because I just forgot to use them. Krexxor had the same when starting (he was elemental, but respecced full healing later) and after 5 games we saw our first heroism :D

2. Gear is important
This seems a no brainer, but I had the feeling some games were unwinnable because we got outgeared badly. On the other hand, we took a 3-man Kersto Demonai team with impressive gear after losing first and then adjusting our strategy when we met them again. Gear is not everything, but it makes life easier when you go up in the stamina/resilience department. I have zero (0) pieces of PvP gear atm and are working on that. Szwok has some, Krexxor still has 7.3k life. There is a lot we can change for the better and it will be fun to work on that.

3. Positioning is really important!
I did some games with my paladin and having a good position really can make or break a battle. Make sure to be in line, make sure to have the right blessing ready for those who have warriors/rogues on them. Make sure to stand out of line of their mages/priests/locks. As a rogue it’s my duty to fuck up the healing and it took me several games to realize I had to use different poisons and I should stealth a little longer if that would bring me behind their healing instead of sapping the first one I see.

4. It is so much fun and there is so much to learn.
I noticed I still did not have the optimal pvp-spec and will put 2 points differently tonight. We have a lot to upgrade gearwise and a lot to learn teamwise. The teams did around 200 arenagames over the weekend (not all with me) and all the participants liked it a lot. For the time being we’re just collecting points and making the best of it, while trying to get a good 5v5 team together.

5. Spec?
I am a bit unsure here. I am currently combatsword-specced and would really like to stay it as I like it (and it gets better with the extra-attack fix: it will be a ‘real’ extra attack instead of a MH-swingtimer reset). Then again I have no experience whatsoever with daggers and hope I can pick up 2 reasonable daggers to try it out for a few weeks (it might even suit me better!)
Swords > Fists > Daggers in terms of looks! (hihi, there I said it, I’ll transfer myself to a RP-server rightaway). Well testing/testing/testing will tell me everything I need to know about spec and weapons. Hopefully I will know the answer before I can 'buy' my first weapon with arenapoints.

2v2 (Brutal Bunnies): 1913. This is very high I think. Nimra and Szwok did this. I only played the first few games, but don’t want to rob them from their points by trying to get my 30% piece. Those guys can come higher as Szwok stated he did not feel they were beaten badly at that level, though the gear difference became very noticeable.

3v3 (Cruel Bunnies): 1714. I played the first part, the last points they got with Krexxor healing them. I feel we can a lot higher here. In 3v3 all kinds of setups are possible. 3 dps, 2 dps/1healer or hybrid. Anything will do really and therefor I think we can get very far here.

5v5 (Big Bad Bunnies): 1492. We did somewhat like 20 games and had a blast. Results were not that good, but that will come. I tried both with rogue and paladin, just to try it out.

Our first week of Arena pvp went very well I think. We all had a blast and are looking forward to better results next week. I gained 500 HP and 80 AP over the weekend by upgrading some gear. I know me and Krexxor still can gain a lot there while we all can still learn a lot. In the meantime I will be pvp-ing to get some of the other pvp-rewards.

If you're not in Arena yet, make sure to just join a random team even. Even if you loose your 10 games, you still get points which will get you a nice weapon/armor in a week or 10-15.

-- Zhero (PvP is fun)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yep, warriors do hit hard. I'm trailhealing my warrior friend in arenas. It usually go like this: Regrowth+Rejuv+Lifebloom+swiftment... Start meleeing the one still alive cause the other somehow died during those 6-7 secs.
And he got this crappy polearm shit that really sucks.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

warriors are just imba really if you cant kite them.(hi frost nova and blink <3)

Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I have more time im also gonna do some pvp with my paladin (I want that shoulder). First I have to farm some instances for better gear. :( But it will never drop. :(
Anyway.. how much points do you get Kirosta after a game?

greetz.. Rohirrim

Anonymous Anonymous said...

With pvp I meant arena :P

Anonymous Anonymous said...

well currently our 2v2 rating is around 1913 i think, gives about 650 something points each week.

BUT FUCK! stupid school work i missed out on this weeks points, only had 26% games played :(

Blogger Zhero said...


Assuming you play a same level team, you will earn 10 points (not arenapoints, but ranking points). At the end of the week (maintenance) your rankings will give you arenapoints. The higher the ranking, the more points you get.

small update:
We've been thinking some more and Szwok is now levelling his warrior to 70 (62 now). With Szwok and Soni (my paladin) and Nimra (warlock) we have a solid basis to try and see how far we can come in 5v5 as well.

Blogger Zhero said...

A warrior with Blessing of Freedom can't be kited. Szwok normally tries to steal it. If that works, we have a shot.

My paladin is fully pvp-specced now with all the goodies, so that will be fun. Now Szwok: gogo level!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

That goes pretty fast imo.

Blogger Zhero said...

@Rohirrim again.

You only have to play a minimum of 10 games to get points. Better join now and start making points. You won't regret it. 10 games is like 20 minutes. You'll regret it when you start in 5 weeks and realize you could have had 1500 points already with a minimal investment in time.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok thx for telling me that. I'll try to do some battles with my guildteams and see how it goes. But it will be hard to do it due my school exams. :)

offtopic: Art our duel can be done at 17:00. Not 14:00. Because of some irl things :P
Now I hope he will read it before 14:00. :P

greetz Rohirrim

Anonymous Anonymous said...

nice piece of work rly motivating to get going in arena :). This week will be hard tho, wanna improve ratings on all teams to settle for nice points. Also lvling a warrior... cant think of anything more boring, made around 150 netherweave bandages haha. Downtime suxxed. Also lvling BS for the 2nd time. Dropped 300 sword smith as it was useless pre tbc.

szwokkie out

Blogger Zhero said...

Haha Szwok, but it's appreciated.

We don't want just a warrior, we want the ultimate warrior!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

What about purging/dispelling the BoF?

Anonymous Anonymous said...

ding 2003 rating in 2v2 xDDDDDD

nimra + szwok are teh pwnage!

szwokkie out


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