Back from the dead
I’m back! At work they made me IT-projectleader of some big project for a couple of weeks which took almost all my time during the day. You know: that time you need for browsing forums, making specs on wowhead and reading the latest news. At home I only play, play and play some more. So there is my excuse for not updating. That and the fact I am lazy by nature. Tnx for forgiving me :D
Rogue?/Paladin?/some other class?
No, I am still with my rogue. I did not even bother to grind some experience on my other classes besides one or two rampartsruns with alts. As I am still paying back Nimpie for that epic mount (I even lend gold for respeccing daggers and buying 2 blue daggers in AH. A 400g experience which lasted 2 days) I did some tailoringlevelling on my mage to be able to make primal mooncloth every 4 days with the sole purpose of making some gold and parked my 61 druid outside Scarlet Monastery (library) to farm the fadeleaf in the first field. I do believe it is quicker than pickpocketing. I make 9-11 fadeleaf in 5 minutes and can do that every hour. So every once in a while I log my druid, pick some fadeleaf and when I am out of blinding powders I send 80-100 fadeleaf to my rogue. Blindingpowderproblem solved. The good part is that I am so used to using blind that I do not ‘save’ it for a rainy day, but spam it when it is up like every rogue should.
I am combat sword specced with all the pvp-goodies (nerves of steel/imp. Sprint etc.) and plan on staying it. They fixed swordspec last patch (no more resetting of main hand swingtimer, but a yellow attack that can proc all your specials) and nerfed it again by making it a white attack (suffering all the bad stuff from DW-attacks. Glancing blows and missrate). Well ofcourse this is a PvE nerf, so who cares anyway! and it is still a lot better than it was. I saved my arenapoints for some weeks now and plan on getting the ‘new’ arena-MH-sword immediately when season II will start (I believe half of june). I got the mongoose enchant (almost) ready in my bank as well.
I dropped skinning and levelled engineering to 350 for the imba Goggles! I have them now, made the earthstormdiamond which was converted to a powerfull earthstormdiamond and am done for a long time with my headitem now. A shitload of AP is on it and I think it is what you need as a PvP combatsword rogue. Crit is nerfed with all the resilience people are wearing, so constant high whitedamage is your friend as the game is leaning towards less burstdamage anyway with each patch. At least in PvP this is true.
Except stupid warriors. They somehow crit me for bazillions all the time while having me mace-stunlocked for 12 straight seconds. Since every warrior has that mace, it’s getting harder and harder to avoid them. (haha, you didn’t really think I was actually fighting them at free will?)
I remember now I run around with grenades as well. I should l2use them…have them keybinded, but never throw them.
I am not doing it. PvP is so much more fun for me. We went with some pvp-ing guildies to Karazhan and killed 3 bosses. I even got the dagger from Moroes which sits in my bank, doing nothing. It was ok, but killing alliance is more fun :D
3v3: We're ok at 1850 or something like that and i feel we can go even higher.
5v5: Just started that and are around 1700 trying different setups.
2v2: My paladin and nimpie's rogue are making sure we get 10 games to make sure no points are lost in between without a clue on what to go for.
Still found some screenies. (I am never paying attention to screenshots. I noticed I was dead in most screenshots, but then it came to me. While I am waiting for the timer to rez in BG, ofcourse on 2 seconds we lose the node I was respawning and I am ported to the next GY we control with a fresh 30 seconds to wait, I read the guildchat and take my screenies). Well: enjoy what I found:
Eleutherios (aka ‘Veritha’ aka ‘the Gadzetstan Slut’) with a confession (and Milker? wtf? got experience with that as well?):
aha, and this nice reaction from Kauft. Motivation is in words! Tnx bro! (btw, I now start seeing the profit of staying with 1 char. I still learn! And get better with it! And my gear is starting to look decent as well!). Hang on in there.
Trade-, General- and BGchannel are sometimes nice as well.
Mudaseki stating the obvious
Nimpie is confused
and we see how difficult it is playing his ‘wanna duel?’-warlock when he accidently whispers me.
Then this story where crapslock (holyvirgin) gets to know the joys of being an officer. Someone is whispering him because he has a complaint about one of our members. The term ninjabird was never so true for Ljung.
Then in the “Artanias gets owned”-category. I might make it a special section from now on
Quote of the Week (also from the Art-gets-owned category)
-- Zhero (having major problems with hunters who know what to do btw)
Rogue?/Paladin?/some other class?
No, I am still with my rogue. I did not even bother to grind some experience on my other classes besides one or two rampartsruns with alts. As I am still paying back Nimpie for that epic mount (I even lend gold for respeccing daggers and buying 2 blue daggers in AH. A 400g experience which lasted 2 days) I did some tailoringlevelling on my mage to be able to make primal mooncloth every 4 days with the sole purpose of making some gold and parked my 61 druid outside Scarlet Monastery (library) to farm the fadeleaf in the first field. I do believe it is quicker than pickpocketing. I make 9-11 fadeleaf in 5 minutes and can do that every hour. So every once in a while I log my druid, pick some fadeleaf and when I am out of blinding powders I send 80-100 fadeleaf to my rogue. Blindingpowderproblem solved. The good part is that I am so used to using blind that I do not ‘save’ it for a rainy day, but spam it when it is up like every rogue should.
I am combat sword specced with all the pvp-goodies (nerves of steel/imp. Sprint etc.) and plan on staying it. They fixed swordspec last patch (no more resetting of main hand swingtimer, but a yellow attack that can proc all your specials) and nerfed it again by making it a white attack (suffering all the bad stuff from DW-attacks. Glancing blows and missrate). Well ofcourse this is a PvE nerf, so who cares anyway! and it is still a lot better than it was. I saved my arenapoints for some weeks now and plan on getting the ‘new’ arena-MH-sword immediately when season II will start (I believe half of june). I got the mongoose enchant (almost) ready in my bank as well.
I dropped skinning and levelled engineering to 350 for the imba Goggles! I have them now, made the earthstormdiamond which was converted to a powerfull earthstormdiamond and am done for a long time with my headitem now. A shitload of AP is on it and I think it is what you need as a PvP combatsword rogue. Crit is nerfed with all the resilience people are wearing, so constant high whitedamage is your friend as the game is leaning towards less burstdamage anyway with each patch. At least in PvP this is true.
Except stupid warriors. They somehow crit me for bazillions all the time while having me mace-stunlocked for 12 straight seconds. Since every warrior has that mace, it’s getting harder and harder to avoid them. (haha, you didn’t really think I was actually fighting them at free will?)
I remember now I run around with grenades as well. I should l2use them…have them keybinded, but never throw them.
I am not doing it. PvP is so much more fun for me. We went with some pvp-ing guildies to Karazhan and killed 3 bosses. I even got the dagger from Moroes which sits in my bank, doing nothing. It was ok, but killing alliance is more fun :D
3v3: We're ok at 1850 or something like that and i feel we can go even higher.
5v5: Just started that and are around 1700 trying different setups.
2v2: My paladin and nimpie's rogue are making sure we get 10 games to make sure no points are lost in between without a clue on what to go for.
Still found some screenies. (I am never paying attention to screenshots. I noticed I was dead in most screenshots, but then it came to me. While I am waiting for the timer to rez in BG, ofcourse on 2 seconds we lose the node I was respawning and I am ported to the next GY we control with a fresh 30 seconds to wait, I read the guildchat and take my screenies). Well: enjoy what I found:
Eleutherios (aka ‘Veritha’ aka ‘the Gadzetstan Slut’) with a confession (and Milker? wtf? got experience with that as well?):
aha, and this nice reaction from Kauft. Motivation is in words! Tnx bro! (btw, I now start seeing the profit of staying with 1 char. I still learn! And get better with it! And my gear is starting to look decent as well!). Hang on in there.
Trade-, General- and BGchannel are sometimes nice as well.
Mudaseki stating the obvious
Nimpie is confused
and we see how difficult it is playing his ‘wanna duel?’-warlock when he accidently whispers me.
Then this story where crapslock (holyvirgin) gets to know the joys of being an officer. Someone is whispering him because he has a complaint about one of our members. The term ninjabird was never so true for Ljung.
Then in the “Artanias gets owned”-category. I might make it a special section from now on
Quote of the Week (also from the Art-gets-owned category)
-- Zhero (having major problems with hunters who know what to do btw)
art gets owned category is all photoshop! :P
nice entry mate ^^
Nice blog.. good one!
And goodluck with your job Kirosta :)
greetz Rohirrim
yeah my coffee even tasted better while reading this. But enough about your silly rogue! More about me! :p.
later gast!
szwok out
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