Calling him “God” would not justify his skill. It is something beyond that, but I’m not sure what words to use then. This mage shows what quick reactions, incredible overview and absurd timing can do to people. He has been my hero from his first video on. As all mages I worshipped Otherguy first, saw all his movies and still like them till this day, but this goes a couple of steps further.
Yes, I know we only see the winning fights.
Yes, I know he uses engineering, shadow-/fire-/frostreflect trinkets and bombs.
Yes, I know people will beat him as well and he does not show us these.
Yes, I know not all his opponents are as skilled as the people who bring up that argument.
But all these arguments really hold no ground, as it’s not about winning a duel, or succeeding in a gank or surviving a gank. It’s about control and how you play the string of events that lead to a player winning and a player dying and the strings he makes are far better than anyone I’ve ever seen.
If you don’t recognize why this guy is good (and better than other mages skillwise), plz don’t speak or whine about trinkets, opponents or whatever. Just be silent and ask someone to explain it to you. You might learn a thing or two.
Third video (just out, so only on google so far)
Second video
First video
What are you still doing here? Go download, go watch and enjoy someone better skilled than 99.99% of the players ever will be.
-- Zhero
Yes, I know we only see the winning fights.
Yes, I know he uses engineering, shadow-/fire-/frostreflect trinkets and bombs.
Yes, I know people will beat him as well and he does not show us these.
Yes, I know not all his opponents are as skilled as the people who bring up that argument.
But all these arguments really hold no ground, as it’s not about winning a duel, or succeeding in a gank or surviving a gank. It’s about control and how you play the string of events that lead to a player winning and a player dying and the strings he makes are far better than anyone I’ve ever seen.
If you don’t recognize why this guy is good (and better than other mages skillwise), plz don’t speak or whine about trinkets, opponents or whatever. Just be silent and ask someone to explain it to you. You might learn a thing or two.
Third video (just out, so only on google so far)
Second video
First video
What are you still doing here? Go download, go watch and enjoy someone better skilled than 99.99% of the players ever will be.
-- Zhero
You wanna join my guild? Its called <My clipping rectangle has intersected with Vurtnes clipping rectangle> or <I Touched God> for short :)
whahahahah good one music!
no zhero really, vurtne is an awesome player i see that, but damn when he can nearly stunluck a player to death using everything but his own class abilities.... meh.
still though vid nr3 impressed me!
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