Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Zhero is here to stay

I’m back! Zhero is in dah house! Back where he belongs. ZOMG.

It’s true, after wasting time levelling a paladin to 70, levelling a rogue (still fun) to 70, I am back on my warlock and can’t even take my own advise of sticking to 1 character. I levelled it to 69, Nimpie levelled the last level for me while I was drowning in Roskilde and we were off to arena with double lock actions. But more about arena further down the line, first check me and my biatches!

Haha! Roleplay ftw and no I am not going into detail what we did there at the throne in BRD, but it was goooooood :D

Why back on the lock?
It is strange, but this is what happened. While I was doing bg’s and arena’s with my 70’s, you log an alt here and there to take down some rested exp. Mostly I log it in, walk out of the inn, check my questlog, see that the first quest is far away, regret logging it in and run back to the inn and logout. This happens once or twice a week (remind you I have a 61 druid, 61 mage, 61 hunter, 62 lock at that time). I did this with Zhero as well. I just didn’t feel like playing it. But one day, I click Zhero and start to do quests. It felt good, it all felt fluent and there we go again! I already know it...

...a reroll is coming up.

“Hey dude, back on your lock again” (in guildchat)
--- “No, just grinding some rested exp”

A lie, I already know it, but are afraid to admit it. I am a Vinnie, an altwhore, who keeps changing his mind. Ah whatever!

So, I speedlevelled it to 69, Nimpie did the last level and put it back with starting clothes in the place where you start as a lvl 1 (deathknell). That was funny and tnx Nimp. Had me lol-ling behind my pc. So I started in quest greens and blues and grinded my way up to 3 verteran-pvp-epix in bg’s and had unyielding girdle and battlecastpants crafted and enchanted/gemmed it with the most expensive stuff. I feel when you reach your end-item for that spot, it should be enchanted/gemmed with the best enchants/gems. That ofcourse costed me all my gold and I had to lend gold from Nimpie and Szwok. They helped me out a lot with it and donated some as well (all for the team!). Tnx dudes! I grinded a lot of quests to do some paybacks. That’s the problem with new 70’s. Gearing up is expensive.

I am back owning up the BG’s with Dier, Szwok and Nimra as well (shameless ownage pix inc.). Warlocks rule!

In the mean time Sorcia (a RL friend of me, Dier and Szwok who migrated to Emeriss with Fusion long ago) started levelling his priest as well and yesterday we started a new 3v3 team (1 day after he hit 70) as lock, mage, shadowpriest to get him some points. We made an impressive (at least I find it impressive and am very happy with the result) 21-1 run which left us at 1800 (Midgard is a term from DAOC which they played together for a long time).

Our 5v5 suffered a lot. We tried some different setups with 2 shadowpriests from outside the guild. Both good players with very good gear and the games we did went alright, but the first moved to Thailand and stopped his char (without telling us) and the other migrated to another server (without telling us), so we have our problems getting all 5 online and ready to play, so we basicly try to get 10 games in a week. We made 5-5 last week and stayed round 1730 which still gives a lot of points.

I found this one in my pics-folder as well. Some warrior who was the last one standing against our last man standing Nimra. Haha, he wasn’t too happy. Stormscale elitists gets owned. Eat that!

Happening a lot here. A lot of people left for various reasons. Some wanted to play in a friend’s guild, most left over too slow progress and easy epix in another guild and some left over misunderstandings and emo-talk (and our GM left for building up a RL as well as Uglyone. I do miss you, Dieter & Mike). A lot of people gone, but the guys downed Maulgar (great great job) and made another progress. Lovely! We closed recruitment as well (some exceptions on needed classes or old players coming back) to try and get a more Ravens-feeling instead of a guild you can hop in and out when you’re moody or get free epix elsewhere. Hopefully we can get the guild smaller and with more dedicated people for both PvE and PvP. Ravens are forever! Remember that.

The guildchat is what it always is. About penises and their size in erection. But first let me show you this. Puffie is one of the characters in our guild with a mystical status. Some have seen him talk, others not once in 1,5 years. Here proof that he CAN talk. It is dutch chitchat, so don’t bother asking for a translate.

Some guildies teasing our own ‘very hawt’ Hedrich.

People getting blackmailed to join an instance

Hood telling us how it is (about erections)

Artanias come online…

and quote of the week is from Veritha

-- Zhero (happily grinding BG’s for more epix)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

nice blog as always dude :) you still need to update more need something for my workdays man ;)

if you guys needs a noobpvp lock for 5 vs 5 deadpool is @ your service

Anonymous Anonymous said...

zomg Puffie cought in the act of talking Oo.... Nice "little" piece once again. Nps doing a zillion SL runs, was fun to get you some gear <3.

And yeah teaming with Sorcia, a fresh 70, you and moi in Midgard Reloaded was uber. It exceeded my expectations by 100-150 rating points. Some tight matches some slaughterings from our side. All in all a bunch of fun sweet TS moments.

till next time,
szwok out

Blogger Muda said...

10g on druid next. Any takers?


Blogger Zhero said...

not me muda. You must know somehow i am levelling a female cow druid. (i know i have a male cow, but he is, well, male...)


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