Monday, December 03, 2007

Warlock + healer = Chuck Norris?

Nimra is back and not only on his lock, but on his priest as well. Grinding honor with a healclass is one of the most frustrating things to do when you have no partner to do it with (most frustrating must be a partnerless warrior imo), because they never ever pay attention to you or communicate with you, besides the standard ‘Healme’ and ‘Randomretard is low on health’ macro’s that they are running.

I used to run with szwok (on his imba warrior) and Dier (very good geared paladin) and myself in EOTS and AB. Really working like a team, which does not mean run into 12 alliance and hope the paladin can keep up and resist the counterspells thrown. No, when Dier was in trouble we used to take a step back and fear, intercept the adds off her. Worked like a charm, we got scores of 25-0, 33-1 etc. with 80-110 HK’s and this really adds up to the honor.

I forgot how nice that was until Nimroth (lovely 0 resilience blue-instance geared priest) healed my ass in AB last night. Not only did we win all but 1, but we got some very nice HK’s out of it while doing massive damage. He remembered me to rebuff my fel armor and threw heals while I tried to fear, CoeX the adds of him. It worked pretty well and we got some good honor in the games we did.

I just wanted to post this next pic(s), because I don’t really see difference with 2.3. Locks are not dead, we are more than ever alive! I am doing lots of damage, I am harder to kill than before, we only have rogues now which kill us but that is fine with me. I’ve played that way for more than a year from the beginning, I can handle it. At least they have to work for it now.

Anyone ever got more damage than this in 1 AB? (tnx to Nimroth for imbahealing)

Haha, we all need whispers like this sometimes because it makes you feel good. At least, that was what it did for me.

-- Zhero (flying back to earth now)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was with you for most of those battles and got about 45 HKs and 100Kish damage.

Just think if I wasn't leeching you could have been on 600K dmg.


Blogger Zhero said...

Though I did screen the board, it was only after you whispered me that I realized it was a lot of damage for a single AB. Tnx for that!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

those were the days...

szwok out


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