Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Zhero & Maix

Maix is lvl 69,93. Yes, so accurate is it! Why not 70? Don’t worry, by the time you read this, she will be, but this is the (small story). Mondaynight = pokernight at a friends house, so normally i do not play on mondays. I was home rather early (23:00), but had to get up at 06:45 (and this is nightmare for me) so did not want to play too long. I had 7 bubbles to go till 70 and was questing in Netherstorm. That really is the area where experience is top notch. I did some quests from 23:00 on, but then my arena partners were on as well. An heroic instance was cancelled and Krexxor (shaman), Zekro/Acacia/Daymare (rogue) and myself (lock) were ready to do 10 games. We went 6-5 in the end losing 3 in a row to the same warrior/paladin/shaman, losing 1 to a discing Zekro and 1 to Abdi and Lovedeath (they simply outplayed us). I have to add I really like playing with those 2 and we are closing in on 1800 so the points are not that bad either.
After this session, i continued grinding quests and Sad helped me out with some groupquests. It was 02:20 when i noticed i had a little more than 1 bar to go, but it really was too late. I regretted it bigtime this morning. Tonight Maix will ding 70 and then another question arises.

What to do?

I had planned to go full pvp with Zhero and Maix (Zhero still being my main, but besides arena nothing to gain for him), but wonder if I should not PvE some with Maix. Can this be combined? I would love to have a pvp-spec which still is good enough to heal with. Zhero does ‘ok’ damage in PvE, but far from optimal with 8 resilience/12 stamina gems all over the place and a full PvP spec. I wonder if not the same will happen with Maix, who will be an average healer in PvE with all the PvP-goodies.
I still plan on pvp-ing with her, but i’ll mix it up with instancing (if possible). For now she is in questgear, so whatever upgrades is welcome, whether it be PvE or PvP. It will take time anyway, so i just postphone this problem.

Szwok told me yesterday that I should not count on him coming back. That means my lock is 2v2 teamless, which is no big thing cause we have a 3v3 running, but i like the 2v2 a lot (except for the long waitingtimes). Hopefully Krexxor wants to team up and else I think i go look for a healingdruid or maybe a shadowpriest.

2.3 patch
Everyone seems to be waiting for 2.3. They said the new arenaseason will start when 2.3 goes live (or close to that date) and we will get 2 weeks prior notice. With only a few weeks to go for 2.3 as it looks now, I will go grind some BG’s and just save the points. Now I have 2 chars, so I can switch whenever I feel like it. Ofcourse I still have a 70 paladin (transmutebot) and a 70 rogue (AH-whore), but those are just fillers in my charscreen atm. With all classes, except warlocks, receiving buffs, I might as well level another char to 70. I still have a mage and a hunter on 60+ (and another druid, but he is male so that is a no go). To complete my idiotic actions, I created a warrior (female orc), a shaman (female tauren) and a priest (female troll) as these are the only classes that i do not have atm. It is said experience for questing after level 20 is increased and the experience needed to gain a level decreased by 25%. Adding those 2, I come to the conclusion that levelling might go close to twice as fast with the 2.3 patch. I plan on rested-playing them once in a while and see if i can get them a little higher. Though it is low on my prioritylist, i will get them close to 20 in the coming weeks to find out if 2.3 makes it indeed so much easier.

In the end the advantage of having 9 lvl 70 chars is, that it is easy to choose from whenever you want to switch mains :D

I am moving to my own house (again :D) in 2 days. No internet for the coming weekend it seems, they come mondaymorning and the next week I have the week off to fix administration-stuff and buying all kinds of things i need for in my new house (like a plasma-tv, nintendo wii, senseo coffeemachine etc.: the primairy things you need in life), but don’t have already as well as game a lot. Looking forward to it A LOT (understatement) as I need a break from the job as well. It bores me too much atm.

Still fun, still a lot of erectiontalk, still problems with raiding, still cosy, still awesome, still Eleutherios talking silly stuff, still Lima fucking with little boy’s minds, still Hood being Hood, still Artanias being a good target for telling ‘frostmages are lollancers’ and getting him upset, still Jonez being awesome with his hunter, still Daymare being up there or down there, still Muda for president, still Aloran on his shammy (awesome you hang in there), still Kipucka changing specs every week. Well, I think you see where I am heading.

Ravens are awesome.

-- Zhero (nothing to add this time)

PS: I talked to Nimra. He said he would be back with 2.3. Ofcourse you never know with this dude, but let’s see if I can get him crazy enough to go 2v2 with my druid then.


Blogger Daymare said...

Grats on your own place man, can imagine it feels nice.

Crappy about the "no internet til monday" thing tho, but guess you´ll be busy organizing furnetures and stuff anyway...

Lovedeath´s team had some carzy cc skills, outplayed indeed :)



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