Tuesday, June 02, 2009

HI, I Am Stupid

Hi I Am Stupid.

Is it just me or do others have this problem as well. I was fanatically playing my priest for the last weeks without bothering to login any others. Well, i levelled my lock a bit, i quested some JC-dailies for gold with my druid a bit and i logged my paladin to play some arena to help out someone. But that was all very insignificant. And then the following happened:

My priest was honorcapped (72k, waiting to get rating to buy stuff) and I saw myself logging in my druid. Somehow I checked his achievementpoints and noticed that I had 4k (which is 1k more than my priest) and I ran through the list to see what I had. 20 exalted reputations….nice! (that saves time a devilish voice in my head said) and without any resistance my druid moved to felwood.

Devil: “They love you in that tunnel, dude”
- me: No, please no.
Devil “Well ok, they don’t now, but they are going to….
- me: No man, leave me alone. Please
Devil: “You want it. you want that awesome trinket. You want your name mentioned by Thrall. YOU WANT TO SLAY THOSE FURBOLGS. YOU’RE THE MAN!

“They love you in that tunnel”
“They love you in that tunnel”
“They love you in that tunnel”

- me: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOT ME!!!!!!!!! TAKE NIMP AGAIN!!!!!!!

But it was a done deal. My mind had no control over my hands and I took the flightpath to Felwood and started to mow them down. 1600/3000 lol, this is going to take a while.

“They love you in that tunnel”
“They love you in that tunnel”
“They love you in that tunnel”

4 hours later

So, is this a reroll? -- yes, probably
Again? – yes
You stupid? – arghhh

To make things worse, i respecced feral and since i had no gear, i auctionhoused for up to 2k and got myself a blue, bad set and was noobing in AB with it.

Hi, I Am Stupid

-- Zhero/Maro/Maix (seems they made this grind A LOT easier. You need to farm 350 feathers while going to revered at 20points/mob. Not that hard)

PS: I have some more shit, but it will have to wait till tomorrow since I have no time left here :D (stay tuned, i discovered a deeply hidden secret about my arenapartner Nimra. Since the people should know, i can do nothing other than bring it out in the open)

The thruth must and shall be told.


Anonymous Daymare said...

I do have the same problem, but not cuz of achievments.

Priest just wasn´t fun, played it for 1 month straight after hitting 70, then just rerolled again, and havent logged her since.

Blogger Zhero said...

Priest is fun in arena, but druid is more fun out in the open.

Blogger Muda said...

You're not stupid. Just not that smart. Nice to see you blogging again, though, bad timing cause I quit WoW again.

Anonymous Strategy Game Guides said...

Yeah, well the priest still rules in most cases except in single combat against rogue ... Or is it just me?

Anonymous lanlingwang said...

I have some more shit, but it will have to wait till tomorrow since I have no time left here :D (stay tuned, i discovered a deeply hidden secret about my arenapartner Nimra. Since the people should know, i can do nothing other than bring it out in the open)
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