Tuesday, December 05, 2006


Wednesday we will get the PvP-patch as I see it. I think many (if not all) will PvP and get their share of warlord/marshal epix. It is rumored round the net that the honor gain will be approx. 10% of the known honor gain and that you have to get tokens from the bg’s and turn them in together for rewards. Here just a copy-paste from the forums:

Rank 12 equivalents: 43875 points
Epic Pants cost 19125 honor pts & 30 WSG marks.
Epic Gloves are 12375 pts & 20 AV marks.
Epic Boots are 12375 pts & 20 AB marks.

Rank 13 equivalents: 51625 points
Epic Chest now costs 20250 pts & 30 AB marks.
Epic Helm now costs 19125 pts & 30 AV marks.
Epic Shoulders now cost 12375 pts & 20 AB marks.

Entire epic set is 95,625 pts plus 80 AB marks, 50 AV marks & 30 WSG marks.

Rank 14:
22.5k pts & 20 AB marks for epic 1-hand (ranged weap & shields)
45k pts & 40 AV marks for epic 2-hand. http://www.thottbot.com/beta?n=1109

Entire blue set: 21,520 pts
Boots 2750
Gloves 2750
Pants 4250
Chest 4500
Shoulders 2750
Helm 4250


So everyone and his mother is able to get those nice looking shoulders and some heavy pvp players will even get the whole set including the rank 14 weapons (Hooray for Puffie! I bet he will get them. And well deserved if you ask me). Same goes for the epic rewards from the individual BG’s. They can be bought as well. From the same forumpost:

Also, WSG epic pants are 8500 pts & 60 marks. The blue lvl 60 WSG sword is 10,000 pts. I assume the AB & AV rewards are similar requirements. I believe TuF is 24000 honor and 40 AV marks, Lobotomizer 12000 honor 40 AV marks. I havent confirmed these in a while.

Don’t forget to take a look into these. You can now replace the parts which you were unhappy about with nice epix.

But is this wise?

It is nice if you are all about looks. If you want to look cool, go ahead. I think it might be more wise to save up all the points and marks (especially these) until TBC (and hope they will not be reset). Because then you will be able to buy lvl 70!!! PvP-epix. And I am not sure if you really want to grind those 30 AV marks again (not as a Horde, you don’t want that!).

Just take a look here:

That is lvl 70 stuff. And ofcourse you need to turn in honor as well and yes you can grind that again when you are 70, but having a little headstart seems enough advantage for me to not turn in any marks/honor for items the coming 6 weeks. I guess there is plenty to focus on when I am 70. (new instances, new repgrinds etc.) to not want to grind bg's again for tokens.

6 weeks…come on guys…..only 6 weeks. You should be able to handle that. Your patience will be rewarded.

-- Zhero (who is actually thinking of turning in 30/30/30 marks for the black war wolf. I just love the looks so much)


Blogger Music said...

Man, you or sooo right.. It's absolutely way smarter to just save them up for 6 weeks and then get the whole epic set at once if possible!! However I want my instant gratification! At the very least rank10 shoulders+helm


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