Monday, November 20, 2006

Gold and Water

Not much to tell today. I had some busy RL stuff and just remembered I could collect 300 runecloth/mageweave/silk and wool for the turn-in quests for my paladin (300 yes, because I guess there will be 1 in the new BE-capital as well), so I am currently collecting that. I let my gold grow a little (close to 800 atm) as well by grinding Dire Maul, Stratholme and random grindsessions everywhere, so I am sure I will have enough to help me level my paladin. Not everyone likes to grind though and therefor have not much gold, which in the guildchat lead to this ‘quote of the week’ from Irdra.

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Now as a mage you get all kinds of whispers when standing in Orgrimmar. I found a new solution to the ‘can you please boost me through RFC’-whispers.
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Hehe, that left him confused :D

Now another funny one. I am standing in the Auction House when a warrior approaches me.
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A warrior asks for water, so my natural response is ofcourse ‘water?’. Now here is where the fun part starts as this dude appearantly has a mod which reacts on the sentence ‘water?’.Image and video hosting by TinyPic
He realizes he is caught and an explanation follows.
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I make him some anyway. Some more explanation follows where he mentions he downloaded it, is testing it and his brother made it. Kinda confusing explanation, but whatever. The best thing to do with people who have such addons is just giving them the desired water and let them be the fool.
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I am too good for this world, but there’s no hate in me anyway.

-- Zhero


Anonymous Anonymous said...

to bad irdra aint a real girl therwise it would be a funny girl :p. Anyway ur to good for this world i would say Reroll to anyone asking water from me :p.

Yes i am EMO!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

FFS should make account :(

jur out

yes above is moi ....


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