Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Now this is where I got the subtitle above my blog from (I notice now I did not quote it right). You know all those annoying sayings that are on the walls inside large companies. The real pretentious ones. I really dislike them. And with me a company who makes those beautifull pictures as well, but just puts some other sayings beneath it. I find thruth in all of them, but then I am not a dreamer but more of a realistic dude, who tends to see things as they are without the curtain of deception directors like to put up when they are presenting the annual figures.

This is the site: http://www.despair.com/viewall.html

And here some examples I like best:

I so agree with those pics it’s not even funny. I actually consider ordering some of these for in my new house (ok, i am still looking for it). I might even order some of them for in my room at work (got my own room, a manager's faith...) so people know what they are in for when they enter.

Ofcourse they have followers and I found this one on the net:

I deteste emo, I find it emotional blackmail and never ever want to go with it. It’s people who cry and hide and blame others for their problems and don’t want to come out to face a problem and solve it even when you help them. F*ck them and may they diaf and make this world a little bit better.

-- Zhero (almost went emo here)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

rofl, made me laugh couple of times :). I could use some of those tbh coudl even replace some of the Eschers i have with these beauties :).

cu online
szwokkie out

Blogger Daymare said...

None of us is as dumb as all of us...

Can´t get better then that.


Blogger Muda said...

Cause it is less hazardous that drugs.

Blogger Artanias said...

The emo pic made me laugh, also the overconfidence is pretty cool :P

nice one mate

Blogger Unknown said...

I love the Beauty one. Really do.
Nice site, considering to order one or two :)

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Would like to add this one:

Druipsnor :D


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