Thursday, September 13, 2007

My movies

I cleaned up my PC a few weeks ago and threw away a lot of warcraftmovies to free some space. When I looked again yesterday I noticed the ones that I saved. I’ve seen all of them multiple times and share with you the ones I have still on my PC (some are real old).

Vurtne III:
Vurtne I:
I still have Vurtne II, IV and V as well, but these 2 are my favourites. V is the only one from TBC, the rest is pre-TBC. I am not sure how I got onto him. I was on my lock already when I watched him the first time, but every time I watch him, I question that choice and wonder if I should level my mage any further. This movies are about immense skill, it is fast paced and has duels and shows some unbelievable stuff which no other magemovie had. I think I watched Vurtne III 25+ times. (I think I watched Vurtne I 60-70 times btw). I am/was a Vurtne fanboi.

Then this one is still on my PC. It was posted may-2005!!!! On and survived all my cleanups.
Check the google-video to hear the song. THIS MUST BE VIEWED WITH SOUND to understand why there’s 300 hours of editing in this movie. Yep, you read it right: 300. It was one of the first movies I had and it was so much better than all the others back then. It is more a music-videoclip and was released when dal-rend was the ownage and WSG was first introduced. Old times, but oh so a pleasure (or not, you’ll see what I mean) to watch/listen.

The first one to make impressive clips! He is the creator of the Sorrow Hill series which was the first movie that showed what a mage really could do. After SH4 (or 5 not sure anymore) it was rumoured he was killed in a carcrash, which he with SH6 denied. Mageforums went berserk. He was back! I used to call Szwok (or he would call me) whenever a new SH was posted.
This is Sorrow Hill III. The first clip I watched over a 100 times I guess, cause back then it was absurd. Nowadays there would be more people who could do that, but back then this guy was lightyears ahead and he has kept me on my mage for a very very long time. Each movie inspired me to continue with it. He has made up till SH9 and there are better (better vids at least) mages now, but these are here for old times sake. Add to that, that I like his music a lot and you know why all 9 vids are still in my directory.

Don’t know what this is? Want to see true art? Gogogo download. He made 3 movies, made a trailor of the 4th, but that one never came. I only have 1 and II on my PC, but I will sure add the 3th as well.
This is the 1st movie. We meet the then level 54? (not sure) mage who was owning up lvl 60’s. But his movies are not really about the pvp (arcane power/pompyro specced), though he is very very skilled. This is editing beyond. This is scary shit actually. Hidden messages all over the place. This is ‘The Ring” in WOW. Don’t watch in the dark. Well, actually do. Turn of all your lights, put your headphone on, turn up that volume and see how music + images can get to you. Whether you like it or not, an experience it will be. (I don’t want to give to much away)

World of Roguecraft
It is THE most downloaded pvp-movie on warcraftmovies. And sure you’re in for a treat. This is from back in the days when rogues could kill anyone and warlocks were cannonfodder for each and every class. If you have never seen this, you MUST DOWNLOAD it. Why? Because this movie is funny, superwell done and has great, great stuff in it. Mute is a lvl 60 warlock who is sick of being owned by rogues who tell him to L2P. He levels a rogue to 60 to prove it is an overpowered class that any retard can play and beat people with for the sole purpose of making a movie of it. Did he succeed? Most downloaded for a reason.
It is a ton better than whatever random comedy on tv nowadays. Believe me. Since when am I wrong? After episode III, he made episode II and episode I. If you really want to go into it, you can download them all and have fun for 1,5 hours.

I already wrote about this movie in one of my last entries. He made the I can only beat noobs serie.
I like his style and how well the music matches the video. Funny roguemovie. Too bad there does not seem to be a downloadable version (I have it though, so if you really want it in good quality, just tell me)

If you play a druid and never saw this one, shame on you. Awesome editing, really awesome. Awesome fights from druids back when feral and balance were trees which were obsolete (patch 1.5/1.6). You either was resto or a guildless druid. These guys were topgeared back then and did the unthinkable. They killed other players. Druids killing other players? Now druids are used to watching Azgaz-owning-vids (which are nice as well), but this is something special.
These guys know editing. I like the fight in the beginning with the rogue the best as it’s on awesome SystemOfADown music and so so fitting. Ah, I should shut up and you should watch.

He is #2 on the most downloaded movies-list and for a good reason. Even if you don’t like rogues, you will like this. He always claimed this movie was not for showing off skill (which he obviously has), but for entertainment. And goddamn entertaining it is. This is the 2nd from his series, which I like best. Editing, beating 2 warriors with sulfuras at once, 2 shotting people. It’s all in here. Very very very entertaining to say the least.
Rumours are that he is working on Grim III. He seems to be still playing on Al Akir (eu).

Most are rogue- and magemovies. That has to do with 2 classes which can do very interesting things in PvP. Dotting up people is not really fun to watch. This is the list which is on my PC. I am wellaware of the fact that taste differs and that there are lots of movies out there which are as good (or even better) than these, but this is my list.

-- Zhero (wishes he had some editing skills)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh yeah,

best movie list ever! Personal favorites are: Otherguy6 Unknown3 Vurtne3.

yeah i remember the time where it felt like santa claus bringing presents. New otherguy / vurtne movies haha :).

Lets hope more will come hehe.
szwok out

Blogger Muda said...

Daimyo was good at editing, but not much content really. Just big crits and stuff like that.


Blogger Molested said...

WTB Ravens application form. Honorary member?

<3 you guys

Blogger Artanias said...

lol mate, glad to see you like our guild :P

Zhero! no Albis = fail, big time.

Blogger Aloran said...

nice as always Zhero, I think I better watch at least 1 of those vids :P

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Hector/Eulogy movies are definitely worth a look also.


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