Nerf me? L2P!
So I am browsing the forums at work and already regret it when I come to the PvP-section of the forum. All on the front page:
While there is a clear sticky from Blizz that they do not tolerate nerf posts, these just stand there and get more entries every minute. Nerf posts in disguise I call them.
Being FOTM isn’t always nice. Ofcourse having a class (or I rather should say spec) that is better by default has it’s moments, but being called OP all the time or if you win a duel, you did not win, but “your class and spec” did, gets old fast as well. When do people learn that there will always be 1 class which performs better on average than all others? We’ve started with rogues as the OP class, then it were shamans, then it were shadowpriests, then it were warriors etc. etc. Now it is warlock (or 1 spec I should say: the infamous 27/34/0 spec which gives high damage and high survivability).
And because complaining is easier than finding solutions, we keep bashing those locks till the nerfbat hits them. The only reason I would like that is because a bazillion people are rolling and levelling warlocks atm because they are OP. They would slowly disappear and I would be one of the few warlocks around again. Like old times. Like the times when every class could just stop by, demount, kill us and mount again with 75% HP. The times when I actually called a friend to tell him I killed someone fair and square! The times Mute (WorldOfRoguecraft episode III) was our hero and kept our hopes up. But those times are gone, and what’s left are haters on the forums and more and more locks everyday.
Well I got one message for all you haters: L2P NOOBS! (haha, that felt good)
-- Zhero (Owning people never gets old. Haha I’ll enjoy it while it lasts:D)
While there is a clear sticky from Blizz that they do not tolerate nerf posts, these just stand there and get more entries every minute. Nerf posts in disguise I call them.
Being FOTM isn’t always nice. Ofcourse having a class (or I rather should say spec) that is better by default has it’s moments, but being called OP all the time or if you win a duel, you did not win, but “your class and spec” did, gets old fast as well. When do people learn that there will always be 1 class which performs better on average than all others? We’ve started with rogues as the OP class, then it were shamans, then it were shadowpriests, then it were warriors etc. etc. Now it is warlock (or 1 spec I should say: the infamous 27/34/0 spec which gives high damage and high survivability).
And because complaining is easier than finding solutions, we keep bashing those locks till the nerfbat hits them. The only reason I would like that is because a bazillion people are rolling and levelling warlocks atm because they are OP. They would slowly disappear and I would be one of the few warlocks around again. Like old times. Like the times when every class could just stop by, demount, kill us and mount again with 75% HP. The times when I actually called a friend to tell him I killed someone fair and square! The times Mute (WorldOfRoguecraft episode III) was our hero and kept our hopes up. But those times are gone, and what’s left are haters on the forums and more and more locks everyday.
Well I got one message for all you haters: L2P NOOBS! (haha, that felt good)
-- Zhero (Owning people never gets old. Haha I’ll enjoy it while it lasts:D)
I think what annoys people are the fact that the defensive part of a 27/34 warlock is almost 100% passive, you dont have to do shit but stand there.
Apart from that ye one class is always gonna be better than the rest, however every class should have one counter class and rogues are NOT the 27/34 counter, a 50/50 match aint a counter :P
I am not sure if it is 50/50, but you might be right there. It's the damage-part in the 27/34 which is not right. Demonology always has been more a 'defensive and survivability spec'. With 27/34 I had 1000 spelldamage. I am UA now and I have 860 while having less survivability. THAT is what's not right.
Don't just look at spelldamage, you have to take everything into account. You got instant fear and shit like that, better mana, some dot improvements.
I can get more +heal as feral or balance than as resto, but what is best for healing?
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