A lot of "stuff"
It’s been a while. I don’t know why, but time just flies. Quicker than you would want. At least: quicker than I would want. I turned 38. Depressingly old, especially when I play a game which is filled with 16-25 year old guys/girls (ok, I don’t mind the girls). And I am not depressed either.
But somehow when I was 18, I saw people my age now and thought they were boringly old. Now I am here, and all I can say I still think the same as I did back then. I still see those people as boringly old, though I am as old as them. Somehow they went ‘on’ in life (whatever that may be) and don’t spend time on kiddie-stuff anymore, but on serious stuff only. Let’s analyze that a little:
Uh…..serious stuff would be…?
- Mortgage? Your fault that you went in over your head because you wanted to live big. Now you’re stuck, but hey! You have a big house! Gratz with what I call: ‘irrelevant stuff’ and make sure to mow that mega-lawn of yours on your free saturdays.
- Kids? I have 1 too. She is eight years old and awesome. The difference is that you take your kid to the ‘kermis’ (dutch word for ‘fair’) as an adult being responsible and all (1 icecream! No more) while Serra, yes she is called Serra and yes: I’ve played competetive MTG for over 10 years, and I go with the 2 of us as 2 kids, but the good part is: 1 has money! Haha, we spend it all on stuff we like, eat too much, go in every machine…twice! and leave with over 10 teddybears. It’s not called spoiling, it’s called: having a good time!
- Caring about the looks of your car, cellphone, suit etc? I am a manager in a telecom-company. I lead a department which is responsible for all automated workflow related stuff (interfaces and such). Most of my colleague-managers don’t understand what I do and my interests. I am about the only one who does not care about his car (bmw), his phone (nokia, 3 year old model) or the price of his suits (cheap) and don't forget status. I gamble, watch movies, go out, play games and (before all else) enjoy time with my daughter. Those are things that matter to me. I’m fine with you caring about your car and phone, now let me care about what I care about. Not that difficult.
Serious stuff. Aha, it doesn't exist. It only exists in one's mind, so it can have multiple meanings and my serious stuff is as good as yours.
“Aren’t you too old for that stuff?”. Uh….no. You might be, but I am not. Not gaming and qualifying it as ‘something that you can be too old for’ actually tells me you’re jealous and wish you were me. I can understand that. I wanna be me as well.
Enough ranting about age and stuff. General message is: be what you want to be and enjoy it. Let others be what they want to be (sheep? o_O) and let them enjoy it. And remember: if there were no sheep, you would never be outstanding…
More on Maix, Kirosta and Zhero next time
-- Zhero (played his rogue extensively over the last few days)
But somehow when I was 18, I saw people my age now and thought they were boringly old. Now I am here, and all I can say I still think the same as I did back then. I still see those people as boringly old, though I am as old as them. Somehow they went ‘on’ in life (whatever that may be) and don’t spend time on kiddie-stuff anymore, but on serious stuff only. Let’s analyze that a little:
Uh…..serious stuff would be…?
- Mortgage? Your fault that you went in over your head because you wanted to live big. Now you’re stuck, but hey! You have a big house! Gratz with what I call: ‘irrelevant stuff’ and make sure to mow that mega-lawn of yours on your free saturdays.
- Kids? I have 1 too. She is eight years old and awesome. The difference is that you take your kid to the ‘kermis’ (dutch word for ‘fair’) as an adult being responsible and all (1 icecream! No more) while Serra, yes she is called Serra and yes: I’ve played competetive MTG for over 10 years, and I go with the 2 of us as 2 kids, but the good part is: 1 has money! Haha, we spend it all on stuff we like, eat too much, go in every machine…twice! and leave with over 10 teddybears. It’s not called spoiling, it’s called: having a good time!
- Caring about the looks of your car, cellphone, suit etc? I am a manager in a telecom-company. I lead a department which is responsible for all automated workflow related stuff (interfaces and such). Most of my colleague-managers don’t understand what I do and my interests. I am about the only one who does not care about his car (bmw), his phone (nokia, 3 year old model) or the price of his suits (cheap) and don't forget status. I gamble, watch movies, go out, play games and (before all else) enjoy time with my daughter. Those are things that matter to me. I’m fine with you caring about your car and phone, now let me care about what I care about. Not that difficult.
Serious stuff. Aha, it doesn't exist. It only exists in one's mind, so it can have multiple meanings and my serious stuff is as good as yours.
“Aren’t you too old for that stuff?”. Uh….no. You might be, but I am not. Not gaming and qualifying it as ‘something that you can be too old for’ actually tells me you’re jealous and wish you were me. I can understand that. I wanna be me as well.
Enough ranting about age and stuff. General message is: be what you want to be and enjoy it. Let others be what they want to be (sheep? o_O) and let them enjoy it. And remember: if there were no sheep, you would never be outstanding…
More on Maix, Kirosta and Zhero next time
-- Zhero (played his rogue extensively over the last few days)
erik dude , youl never grow old!!!!:)gratz on your rl ding dude and serra > all.
Dude see it like this , if your happy and serra is happy you must be doing something right with your life :)
always listen to deadpool
Dude you just described a perfect way to live life.
Do what you want, not what others want you to do and great things will happen.
You should go visit your colleagues in 40 years, they will be old and bitter cause they decided to spend their time on cars, status and a load of other crap that does nothing but make you sleep less during the night.
I started my life (after school), whit working a ton to make money and shit, then i realised wtf, work is something i do to survive just like those people in alive ate eachother.
I mean it is kinda funny that the people who hate on the people that play wow cause they dont understand how one can enjoy something viritual, are seriously addicted to the most virtual thing ever, money and status.
Fuck em, let them have sucky lives so the rest of us can enjoy it and laugh at them when they realise all they wasted :)
/peace and love Jonez
Great post...
Could say hundred things but somehow I think you already thought those things long ago...
/peace out man
You're not old and boring. To cut it short. You're awesome.
That's confirm that you are a great guy. I really enjoy every single piece a your blog and your humour, keep doing good ;o
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