Thursday, April 10, 2008

PvP char, the beginning

I forgot how it felt to be 1- and 2-shotted, but I know now again. A warrior charges me, as I have no trinket yet, I can’t free myself and i get slain pretty fast. Same with a rogue on me. But then again, that is the fate of new fresh 70’s. I know I’ve slain a lot with my rogue, now it is my time to suffer.

But I have my first epic!

Bought the Vindicator Chain Bracers and put a 8 hit rating gem in it as I seem to be missing a lot. Slammed 26 AP on it as well, so onto the next. AV weekend is coming weekend, so hopefully I can get another armor piece this weekend. The big gameplan is to save up arenapoints (a thrilling 300 a week) and buy S3 bow when S4 starts. In the meantime I grind vindicator armor. Besides that I might put in some effort to get more blue pvp-rewards which you get from being honored with different factions.

On a more common note. I see lots of people grinding the S1 gear on new chars. I am not sure why they do that. When I started my druid, i bought vindicator for honor and vengefull with arenapoints. Now I am 4/5 S3 with all vindicator which seems to me is a lot better than S1 gear and does not feel as a waste at all. It takes a bit longer ofcourse, but why settle for less? Why spend honorpoints (unless you had 75k stacked or something) on S1 when you can spend it on S3 honorepix?

Me (Maix, druid), Vin (Thentvaen, rogue) and Jur (Karma, warrior) jumped on the double melee bandwagon and reached 1700 rating yesterday. We rolled all RMP, but had problems with hunter/warrior/druid. We basicly rolled every team with a clothie. 5 points expose armor (talented) from the start and then double melee whacking away on a clothie leaves no time for their healer to do anything else but healing. It dies anyway sometimes even before I could cyclone their healer. World of Meleecraft atm.

I am glad I am no mage in this time of WoW (mine is lvl 64 though :D).

-- Zhero (probably respeccing the hunter to 0/41/20 or something like that. Surefooted ftw!?)


Blogger Dajay said...

The only problem with your plan is that S3 weapons still need you to have 1800 rating. See mmo-champion for more details.

Blogger Dajay said...

(In S4 I mean)

Blogger Zhero said...

wtf, did not know that. That kinda sucks. grrrrr!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree whit you respeccing to 0/41/20 the 11/41/9 specc is more of a arena specc and the only reson to have 11 points in bm is to allow your pet to keep up whit druids and thus prevent them to drink. In BG this is utterly useless since you have dash etc.

/peace Jonez


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