Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Random shizzleshuzzle

Random info:
- Maix = 59,4
- Palinda left the guild in search of a better raiding guild.
- Sorcia stopped playing wow and now plays DAOC again
- Nimra is nowhere to be seen. It is rumored he quit as well.

Now for something more funny: I found these guildnames in the BG's:

Ravens guild chat. It is (why am i repeating myself?) about penises and boobs.

Here is Artanias, telling us he knows nothing about boobs. o_O.

Hood being smart

Being honest is what it is in Ravens:

and here Milker being honest again on his alt

Daymare/Zekro telling us how swedish girls are

And quote of the week from Senbonzakura

PvP is not for weak people.
This is what i got when we lost in arena.
Makes you wonder what a 'fudkin noob' is. I can only imagine it is something real, real bad. A quick Google gave me a man who's last name was Fadkin and who did a backgroundcheck on his name. He believed Fudkin was also changed to Fadkin over a couple of centuries. This Fadkin guy is probably a very very noob WoW-player and therefor being called a fudkin noob is a reference to you being as bad as this Fadkin guy. So ofcourse I armoried (not as well knows as googled, but i think you know what i mean) fudkin and fadkin. Fadkin does not exist, but fudkin gives me 3 players, lvl 31, 31 and 41 AND ALL GNOME. So what I really believe is that he told me that I am a low-level-gnome noob, which makes sense in the end.

But this was the hardest of all: My daughter's name is Serra. It's an uncommon name in Holland. But Blizzard made me kill my own flesh and blood 'For The Horde'. I should get extra points for being dedicated.

-- Zhero (is looking at boobs more since he is in Ravens)


Blogger Daymare said...

omg, LOL at the fudkin stuff!
Awesome backup info, ad theory :)

/cheers mate

Blogger Artanias said...

lol @ the daymare and swedish girls pic.

Melany being a liar and Mary going a bit over the top lol


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