Friday, April 27, 2007

RL lessons for all of you

Since I am playing my rogue extensively (and yes I like it, close to lvl 67 now), I started to read about them as well as I did with all other classes I played. I like to read about the class, I like to understand the class and want to know how the mechanics of that class work. While reading, I stumbled upon . This is a guy who plays a rogue and writes lots of nice articles about it from a technical as well as a pvp- and personal perspective. This is drawn from his last article.

As for people who believe they need to quit WOW completely to get anywhere in life. I thought so too when I retired 10 months ago. But to be honest, I didn’t get anything done during the time I was away. If you lack the self-control to prevent a game from ruining your life, it is unlikely you will get very far to begin with. Do what makes you happy, and everyone will move on when the time comes. I will play this game until Blizzard forces you to raid to be competitive in PVP. I learned the hard way that quitting this game without a real purpose only makes you waste time elsewhere.

This is exactly how I think about it and I could not have said it better. WOW does not destroy you or your life, You do!

I know a lot of people think they play too much and somehow feel guilty about it and feel they should quit the game to do ‘real important stuff’, while they are actually having a good time while playing. Now why on earth would that be a bad thing? How can ‘having a good time’ be a bad thing? How can social interaction with friends or just a place to chill be a bad thing? The answer is: it isn’t a bad thing!

The fact that you are playing WOW instead of doing homework (as an example) has nothing to do with the game WOW. If WOW wasn’t there, you would still delay it and do other things, because that is who you are as a person. I delay stuff at work because I am reading WOW-related stuff, but before WOW, I was delaying workstuff by reading MTG-related articles and tourneyreports and before that I was reading chess-/snooker-/pool-/comedy-/etc./etc.stuff. Before I wasted worktime on my blog, I was writing articles for a dutch website.

It is me as a person who is doing that.

And I feel good about it as well.

Do you?

“Do what makes you happy, and everyone will move on when the time comes.”
Thanks Ming, that is indeed what I will do.

-- Zhero

PS: As this might be heavy for a friday, let me add this content which I received from Milker for a lighter note. (Hood gets owned)

Friday, April 20, 2007

Awesome game

Don't we all remember the good old tower defense from warcraft III? Here we go! Let's spill some work hours (and believe me, it's easily done :D)

-- Zhero (admits he sucked at TD)

Friday, April 06, 2007

Small contestupdate

10g for the first that can tell me where this place is. It was actually the first time I've ever been there. (and this is my 6th char to 60, so you would think i've seen them all)

Kipucka, our fresh lvl 70 paladin defines eternity:

-- Zhero (just wanted to share the 1st pic :D)

Monday, April 02, 2007

Kirosta is in dah house!

Rogue? ZOMG!
It’s been a while. Mostly because of RL soaking up time, busy at work (where I mostly write) and because I am levelling an alt (Kirosta) like a madman.

“Now why the f*ck would you level an alt as an idiot while you still need to pay off Nimpie for lending you 3k gold for an epic flying mount and get gear on your pally?”

“It’s me on the left! and Domitor on the right”

I dunno, I really don’t, but I had a 26 UD-rogue and started playing it. I started to like it and after some more play started to love it. I am now at the point of dedicating half my day at work figuring out builds, watching roguemovies and reading about the class. It’s that bad. I don’t know why, maybe I had to play the light before seeing it. Haha, how’s that for poetry!

Let me tell you some background. Nimpie was powerlevelling his priest and came with the “Anyone has an alt 25+ that he wants to drag along in RFK? I am powerlevelling my priest”. This is what started it. I still had a 26 rogue standing there doing nothing for several months who managed to avoid my monthly deletion of alts. So I came along and got 3 levels while sticking on Nimp for a few hours. I played some more with it and remember I had to go to Orgrimmar, so ported to Stonetalon Mountains where my HS was, so I could fly there. I came there and saw the following:

Because it may not be to clear from the pictures, here the explanation. Zechs (gnoam rogue known from the skullcrusherforum) was wrecking havoc there with a paladin friend. They killed the flightmaster (zomg no flying!) and all other npc’s it seemed as well as other people there. I got my share of corpseruns, but was impressed by the rogue. Sneaking, vanishing and utterly annoying other people (some 70’s showed up, probably mains from ganked ones), but he kept going and the paladin was very hard to get down as well. I really enjoyed the show which ofcourse ended with both of them dead and a screen of /spit, but left an image in my mind which would not go away. Big thumbs up for Zechs and his paladin friend who made it an enjoyable 15 minutes there with some outdoor action.

And so my roguelove grew…

I quested in STV and escaped a gank with vanish. I came back and ganked him back.

…and my roguelove grew…

I quested on Shimmering Flats and sapped a priest, killed his hunterfriend and vanished in the dark

…and my roguelove grew…

I quested in Badlands, escaped a ganking mage. I killed him 5 times afterwards.

…and my roguelove grew…

I came out of ZF only to escape a warrior and hunter who tried to get me. I came back and waited a while. They started a duel, the hunter won. I finished the last % on the warrior and the last 8% on the hunter. THAT FELT REALLY GOOD!

…and my roguelove grew.

To be honest the last gank was only because there was talk in guildchat about really low ganks (Daymare just ganked a 5-man alliance group busy with a quest) and Artanias responded with:
Well, this is my story so far. I don’t know if I keep liking the rogue, but I enjoy it too much at the moment to focus on getting gear for my pally.

I need to mention this guy. Now, I am the first judging 14-year olds as they normally are annoying, greedy, bad-english spelling, boosts-asking, ninja-ing bastards. Not this guy. The exception on the rule maybe? (and I am not saying this because he gave me a few boosts)
Now count the amount of times in your guild that you get a whisper from a youngster containing these words. He might not be 14 now anymore (but was when he joined us), but he took me to SM proving enhancementshammies do a shitload of damage nowadays and wanted to thank him from here for restoring (part) of my faith in youngsters by being polite and acting mature.

Just posting it here to show holy specced paladins can do some damage. I am specced 40/11/10 for BOK and solo-abilities. Just some numbers I managed to make.

Yes, yes, we raid sometimes. With the strangest setups we move into Karazhan. How about:
2 druids
3 rogues
1 shadowpriest
2 paladins
1 mage
1 shaman
and only because no more seem to want to join (or be able to join)! But we killed Moroes, so progression was made.

Some Ravens guild-/officer chat I came along:
W.C. is short for toilet in dutch

Veritha with total nonsense again

and then this one from Nakedsnake

It was quiet in guildchat for 20-30-40 seconds. We were all waiting, something big was about to come out, nobody dared to say a thing.

Hmmm, doesn’t seem funny now I see it again, but it sure was when it happened :D

Quote of the week is from Jonez. Now THIS is dedication.

-- Zhero (ganking feels good, it really does!)