Thursday, August 30, 2007

I Am Good Looking

I know you wish you were me. There are even more reasons now as I finally got my last fashionupgrade! I finally look like unbeatable now. When I first laid eyes on this armor, it was always something I wanted. Now I have it. Alliance start running! Horde start admiring!

Mega-pix (Last time, I forgot my pix, so I just post them now)
Coming weekend is AV-weekend (one of the or maybe the best bg for farming honor as long as you kill all those lieutenants). Last AV-weekend I was there, I witnessed something unique in the series of enter-av-kill-lieutenants-and-loose. They summoned LOKHOLAR. Yiehaaaa. Alliance was for unknown reasons not walking to our easy to take base and were pushed back as if we all went 18 months back in time. Lots of cheers and a few questions from people who’d never been to 20 hour+ epic battles there. All of a sudden we all went back in the role we knew so good. Protecting LOK, and let him win the game for us. In terms of honor a bad game, in terms of fun one of the better games. I was glad I was there.

You be the judge, but it sounded all too fishy and reminded me of the commando’s you can give to have your gold be shown in a different factor. Not sure if that was the one he meant though.


So I am making some elixirs in orgrimmar when I catch one of our guildies harrassing Zire! Yes, ofcourse it is Veri/Eleu!

I am not the only one thinking warlocks are the shIt.

Uh? wtf. Muda dude, you can get better man!
more emo-art about arena-queue’s.

And new guildmembers get a welcome by Eleutherios

-- Zhero (cursing work and youtubewatching Derren Brown)

Monday, August 27, 2007

Insert Random Title

It’s been 2 weeks. 1 Week due to the Lowlands festival (it is a big festival in Holland, I’ll throw some impressions down here) and 1 week because I am lazy as we all know. And now I forgot my pix from my home comp, so no pix today. But first things first;

Our GM is famous!
The biggest altwhore in the history of this game is our GM. His RL name is Vinnie and I’ve known him IRL for several years now. This guys rolls, rerolls, rererolls and rerererolls every month, because he can’t make up his mind. The result is a lot of chars in semi-decent gear between 60 and 70 that all have been his main for as long as 1 day to several months and yesterday I saw him on his new main: a lvl 12 paladin named Palavin (plz gank him and send me the screenies). Besides that he is now famous in Holland for appearing on a website (and yes, this is the real Vinnie, I am not joking). It’s the site of a big supermarketconcern in Holland and the company he works for had to make the website for it and they might have run out of budget, but then again I think he is the perfect man for the job.

It is him…ZOMG

Hahahaha, I love it tbh.

Lowlands 2007
This is a festival in Holland where booze, drugs (we allow 5 grams a person) and music go side by side for 3 days. We arrived there Thursday and in an orgy of beer, bacardi-coke, pills (taking all of them at once is not good), good-looking women and awesome music, we managed to survive till mondaymorning. I don’t know how, but we did. Small recap of the bands I saw:

The Rakes: Listened to 3-4 songs and they dissapointed me so I left.
Editors: Awesome voice, they lack podium skills however. Let’s hope that will grow, because this band rocks. English emo-rock.
Kasabian: can’t remember much, except that we were drinking.
The Killers: wanted to see it, but due to being drunk, I missed it I believe.

Games in Concert: Did not see it, but people told me it was an orchestra playing videogamesmusic. I just write it down here so you guys remember it.
The Rifles: this is my favourite band atm. I like their music a lot and so I liked their performance. More podiumskills needed though.
Moke: These guys are from Amsterdam and are the new thing. Gogo download and surprise yourself.
Saybia: My friends wanted to see this one. I thought it was ‘ok’.
Jimmy Eat World: GODDAMN F*CK. I now realize I missed this one now I see the schedule again. I know I planned on seeing them. I should drink less.
Kaiser Chiefs: Not sure if I saw them. Last act of the day was mostly when I was f*cked up the most. I’ll check with my friends if I saw this one and what I thought of it.

Alpha Blondy: Was good enough for an opener. Rastaman!
Lacuna Coil: I told my friends I wanted to see this one, because she looks SO AMAZING that the music does not matter anymore. I ended up missing this.
Nine Inch Nails: I loved it. I do not know their songs that well, but when “The Hand that Feeds” was played, the crowd went berserk.
I don’t know how it is with you guys, but I download a lot of warcraftmovies and get amazed more than once by the music which I end up downloading and playing in my car for several weeks in a row until I find some new music I like. is one of my favourite roguemovies of all times (yeah, Grim is super as well, blablabla, just check this one out ok?) and there the “The Hand that Feeds” is so amazingly good with the images you get. I love stuff like this. Just go to 5:36 minutes. The song starts there. Or just watch it all if your job is real boring.
Motorhead: Impressive live performance even though I am not really into their music
Tool: OK, I wrote all this crap down just for this one. It was the closing act and what an act it was. Amazing sounds with amazing images. It had me (and some others I could tell from their bodylanguage) just caught in a spell. It all was right. I was tired, drunk and exhausted from 3 days of drinking and walking but I felt no pain. This was the cure. This performance was better than all others due to the amazing videoshow which added to the great music as they were twins. It was a perfect fit and made a real impression on me.
The Illusionist: After Tool I sat down this outside movie theater and watched this movie. I’d already seen it, but Edward Norton is always worth watching. Or maybe I was just happy I could sit.

Furthermore I remember I lack a lot of spell penetration as all women resisted my seduction.

Let me give you an update on my gear/rankings etc.
I have all the battleground items now (except for the belt, I use unyielding girdle and Talisman of the Horde ). I have 10k, so the talisman will be there somewhere next week. I think the talisman I better for locks than damagetrinkets.
I got merciless gladiator gloves and shoulders and will have the robe this wednesday putting my resilience over 300 and finally getting somewhere.

I started playing this with Nimra’s fresh lvl 70 priest to get him some weekly points. We played for 2 weeks now scoring 8-2 and 6-4 and a 1600- rating.

After our amazing start (some articles down) it went down from there. The priest specced holy/disc and we started to lose and lose some more to the point we got fed up with it. We lost to all kinds of setups without really knowing the reason. This will come, it’s on 16xx, but we have not played last week. We should revisit a little here (again). It is strange how it can go.

After megaproblems with our team and trying to keep it steady, we ended up 3 weeks in a row playing on Tuesday to get the points and inviting whoever we could get to play the 10 damn games. We mostly would start 0-5 and then come back to 5-5 or 4-6 which brought us on 1620 rating or so. We got Sankaman (fresh 70 warrior who got his thunder in 2 days) now and with mage/warrior/lock/paladin/shammy we started playing games in the weekend and made a nice score that put us on 1720 with more potential as I see it. The warrior still got lots to gain as do I.

Ok, tell me if this is strange. I have a 61 male druid. When I was levelling that one (and it was 35 or so) I told my friends I’d rather have a female cow. I just hate it how big those males are. They told me I should do it immediately else I would never do that again the further I came. And indeed I never did. I did Molten Core, got full T1 healing gear and did my share of healing. I always liked the druid, just not my male druid. So now I am levelling a female druid in between (lvl 30 now) with the intention of PvP-ing with it. They all say I am crazy, cause I have a 61 druid blablabla. But I just like the female tauren that much more.
No I am not rerolling or something, just when I have my trinket, I did all the bg-honor stuff I had to do on my lock (and I don’t feel like saving up points), so this gives me something to do in between. I plan on PvP-healing, but let’s see how it goes.

-- Zhero (will look l33t this Wednesday!)

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Now this is where I got the subtitle above my blog from (I notice now I did not quote it right). You know all those annoying sayings that are on the walls inside large companies. The real pretentious ones. I really dislike them. And with me a company who makes those beautifull pictures as well, but just puts some other sayings beneath it. I find thruth in all of them, but then I am not a dreamer but more of a realistic dude, who tends to see things as they are without the curtain of deception directors like to put up when they are presenting the annual figures.

This is the site:

And here some examples I like best:

I so agree with those pics it’s not even funny. I actually consider ordering some of these for in my new house (ok, i am still looking for it). I might even order some of them for in my room at work (got my own room, a manager's faith...) so people know what they are in for when they enter.

Ofcourse they have followers and I found this one on the net:

I deteste emo, I find it emotional blackmail and never ever want to go with it. It’s people who cry and hide and blame others for their problems and don’t want to come out to face a problem and solve it even when you help them. F*ck them and may they diaf and make this world a little bit better.

-- Zhero (almost went emo here)

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Zhero is here to stay

I’m back! Zhero is in dah house! Back where he belongs. ZOMG.

It’s true, after wasting time levelling a paladin to 70, levelling a rogue (still fun) to 70, I am back on my warlock and can’t even take my own advise of sticking to 1 character. I levelled it to 69, Nimpie levelled the last level for me while I was drowning in Roskilde and we were off to arena with double lock actions. But more about arena further down the line, first check me and my biatches!

Haha! Roleplay ftw and no I am not going into detail what we did there at the throne in BRD, but it was goooooood :D

Why back on the lock?
It is strange, but this is what happened. While I was doing bg’s and arena’s with my 70’s, you log an alt here and there to take down some rested exp. Mostly I log it in, walk out of the inn, check my questlog, see that the first quest is far away, regret logging it in and run back to the inn and logout. This happens once or twice a week (remind you I have a 61 druid, 61 mage, 61 hunter, 62 lock at that time). I did this with Zhero as well. I just didn’t feel like playing it. But one day, I click Zhero and start to do quests. It felt good, it all felt fluent and there we go again! I already know it...

...a reroll is coming up.

“Hey dude, back on your lock again” (in guildchat)
--- “No, just grinding some rested exp”

A lie, I already know it, but are afraid to admit it. I am a Vinnie, an altwhore, who keeps changing his mind. Ah whatever!

So, I speedlevelled it to 69, Nimpie did the last level and put it back with starting clothes in the place where you start as a lvl 1 (deathknell). That was funny and tnx Nimp. Had me lol-ling behind my pc. So I started in quest greens and blues and grinded my way up to 3 verteran-pvp-epix in bg’s and had unyielding girdle and battlecastpants crafted and enchanted/gemmed it with the most expensive stuff. I feel when you reach your end-item for that spot, it should be enchanted/gemmed with the best enchants/gems. That ofcourse costed me all my gold and I had to lend gold from Nimpie and Szwok. They helped me out a lot with it and donated some as well (all for the team!). Tnx dudes! I grinded a lot of quests to do some paybacks. That’s the problem with new 70’s. Gearing up is expensive.

I am back owning up the BG’s with Dier, Szwok and Nimra as well (shameless ownage pix inc.). Warlocks rule!

In the mean time Sorcia (a RL friend of me, Dier and Szwok who migrated to Emeriss with Fusion long ago) started levelling his priest as well and yesterday we started a new 3v3 team (1 day after he hit 70) as lock, mage, shadowpriest to get him some points. We made an impressive (at least I find it impressive and am very happy with the result) 21-1 run which left us at 1800 (Midgard is a term from DAOC which they played together for a long time).

Our 5v5 suffered a lot. We tried some different setups with 2 shadowpriests from outside the guild. Both good players with very good gear and the games we did went alright, but the first moved to Thailand and stopped his char (without telling us) and the other migrated to another server (without telling us), so we have our problems getting all 5 online and ready to play, so we basicly try to get 10 games in a week. We made 5-5 last week and stayed round 1730 which still gives a lot of points.

I found this one in my pics-folder as well. Some warrior who was the last one standing against our last man standing Nimra. Haha, he wasn’t too happy. Stormscale elitists gets owned. Eat that!

Happening a lot here. A lot of people left for various reasons. Some wanted to play in a friend’s guild, most left over too slow progress and easy epix in another guild and some left over misunderstandings and emo-talk (and our GM left for building up a RL as well as Uglyone. I do miss you, Dieter & Mike). A lot of people gone, but the guys downed Maulgar (great great job) and made another progress. Lovely! We closed recruitment as well (some exceptions on needed classes or old players coming back) to try and get a more Ravens-feeling instead of a guild you can hop in and out when you’re moody or get free epix elsewhere. Hopefully we can get the guild smaller and with more dedicated people for both PvE and PvP. Ravens are forever! Remember that.

The guildchat is what it always is. About penises and their size in erection. But first let me show you this. Puffie is one of the characters in our guild with a mystical status. Some have seen him talk, others not once in 1,5 years. Here proof that he CAN talk. It is dutch chitchat, so don’t bother asking for a translate.

Some guildies teasing our own ‘very hawt’ Hedrich.

People getting blackmailed to join an instance

Hood telling us how it is (about erections)

Artanias come online…

and quote of the week is from Veritha

-- Zhero (happily grinding BG’s for more epix)