Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Ravens LAN, Nimramaw and Farlon

We had a LAN this weekend with some Ravens in our GM’s house. It was awesome!
“The Evil Cow”-Nevermore
“The Lovely Hostess”-Temporan
“The Overpowered”-Krexxor
“OOM is not in my dictionary”-Mortui
“Sorry for those two extra groups”-Waylanderm
“Eat this arrow”-Zeppox
“He Who Does Damage”-Rastaman
“The Silent One”-Hedrich
“Protector of the Timermaw”-Nimra
“Frost or Fire?”-Sonia

What did we do? We drank bullet, ate snacks and chips and chinese takeout. Cleared ZG, did random stuff, killed Timbermaw, grinded gold, did some random instances and had a lot of fun. We played from saturdaymorning till late in the afternoon on Sunday. I don’t think any pics were made, but I am not sure as I was not really awake. Hedrich and Rastaman were first timers on a Ravenslan, the others did meet before. This was a little goodbye to Nevermore as well as he will have to work the coming months and could not promise us internetaccess for those months.

Now Nimra. This dude levelled a warrior to 51 before he joined on Skullcrusher. He then went on to make a 60 rogue, 60 hunter and a 60 warlock. On his rogue he grinded exalted AB and AV back in the times when AV was taking anything from 3 to 24 hours (but were at least won by Horde) and AB-queue’s were 20-60 minutes. He changed to hunter, grinded exalted with those 2 again and went 1 step further and grinded exalted with the Timbermaw. He took a little break from WoW, gave his account away and then started again on a warlock. He is already exalted with AB and AV again and did the unthinkable.

He went to his friends the Timbermaw again and gained another exalted status. To be honest I’ve never read that anywhere. He surely is the grandmaster of grind!
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Chinese farmers can’t kill him! “How Can You Kill That Which Has No Life?”

Jonez on sex and relationships
And then we have Jonez/Farlon. This dude keeps amazing me. Some random weeknight he was all loose and gave us a speech about his sexlife, his preferences and his relationship. Drugs and booze might have been involved, but this just can be his true self as well. There was more too it, but I just couldn’t screen it all.

The guildchatsubject was sex and this was Farlon’s contribution
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Then he just let his thoughts hit the screen
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And when someone said we would die then
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He went on about his preferences and fantasies
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and told us about his past relationship
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and you wonder why stuff like Cyberpatrol exists? I don’t.

-- Zhero

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

EMO: the source of all evil

Emo is short for emotional and especially meant when people react emotional on things in chat (or on the forum). Almost 90% of the last 10 incidents in our guild can be related to one or more persons being ‘emo’. Why is this such a strong factor for incidents? The more ‘emo’ people you have, the more likely it is nasty incidents will happen.

Let me give some examples of typical ‘emo’-behaviour.

1. Leaving raid or even leaving guild when things are not going your way.
2. Accusing other people’s playstyle
3. Talking back because you get accused

The main problem is that it is all text-based. We can’t see the expression on the face of the other and give our own meaning to the sentence made without taking into consideration what is possibly meant by this remark. ‘L2play noob’ can be meant very lightly but taken very heavily. This will lead to discussions which can lead to incidents.

“Jezus, don’t you huntards know how to do damage” is an emo-remark.. What answer could you give here as a hunter? A normal answer is almost not possible.

“Try to aimed shot and multishot whenever it is up, keep the sting up at all times” is a more positive way of saying the same. It’s easier to give a normal reply to this sentence and will, no doubt about it, lead to better results.

“How can we wipe here two times in a row?”. Another useless remark. The answer will always be the name of 1 or more persons and did you really wanted to know that? Did you really want their names in the chat as the cause of a wipe? Do you think that helps for the next try?

“With this group it will never work”
[randomplayer] leaves the raid
This is really the worst you can do. Not only is there one person less, your remark states that all the other players are morons who do not know how to play and you do not want to play with inferior players. Such actions give valid reasons for a guildkick in my opinion as these are not the kind of people you want in your guild.

If you are frustrated, don’t try to vent it through the chat (or teamspeak). It lowers moral and never ever is constructive. Sure, it will help you for a few seconds cause you let it all out, but it lowers moral and spirit for a much bigger amount. Try and stay positive. Try not to type what you think, but hold back and think about what you wanted to say. Is it constructive? Will it help for the rest of the raid? Or am I venting anger?

Nothing wrong with being a little emotional when raiding. Lots is wrong with bringing it out on others. Think before you speak and you will see raids will be a lot more pleasant for everyone (including yourself)

-- Zhero (emoproof)

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Burn In Righteous Fire!

That's right! I've been laughed at, made a fool off and been insulted by all classes in my guild for the last week. These guys think paladins can't pwn. pfff. I told them my Blood Elf Paladin will bring them to justice and they'll be watching my feet from where they are lying, but all I get is laughter and more meant-to-be-funny remarks. So what to do? I just go find an imba movie on youtube. hehe. Ok guys, this is a small movie about a TBC paladin fighting 2 rogues in arena. Remember who you are, you will be one of the 2 rogues :D

I am so going to enjoy the whispers after their defeat:
- "That shield is lame"
- "That's not fair, because my recklessness/shield wall was on cooldown"
- "I was out of healthpots"
- "You're still a noob"
- "You brought me out of stealth! That is not fair"
- "You healed yourself"
- "./spit f*ckface"
- "Your just the luckiest person I know with those crits"
- "If you didn't kill my mate, we would have gotten you, noob!"

Haha, now watch the next one as well and go cry in a corner, ktnx.

Well, looks balanced to me. Oh my god, I can't stop laughing. You guys will burn in righteous fire! Again and again and again and again.

Had enough?

Thought so.

-- Zhero (waiting for noobs to flame)

Monday, November 20, 2006

Gold and Water

Not much to tell today. I had some busy RL stuff and just remembered I could collect 300 runecloth/mageweave/silk and wool for the turn-in quests for my paladin (300 yes, because I guess there will be 1 in the new BE-capital as well), so I am currently collecting that. I let my gold grow a little (close to 800 atm) as well by grinding Dire Maul, Stratholme and random grindsessions everywhere, so I am sure I will have enough to help me level my paladin. Not everyone likes to grind though and therefor have not much gold, which in the guildchat lead to this ‘quote of the week’ from Irdra.

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Now as a mage you get all kinds of whispers when standing in Orgrimmar. I found a new solution to the ‘can you please boost me through RFC’-whispers.
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Hehe, that left him confused :D

Now another funny one. I am standing in the Auction House when a warrior approaches me.
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A warrior asks for water, so my natural response is ofcourse ‘water?’. Now here is where the fun part starts as this dude appearantly has a mod which reacts on the sentence ‘water?’.Image and video hosting by TinyPic
He realizes he is caught and an explanation follows.
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I make him some anyway. Some more explanation follows where he mentions he downloaded it, is testing it and his brother made it. Kinda confusing explanation, but whatever. The best thing to do with people who have such addons is just giving them the desired water and let them be the fool.
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I am too good for this world, but there’s no hate in me anyway.

-- Zhero

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Paladins in Panic

On the Paladinboards there is only one subject at the moment. Besides the usual whines, you can find threads all over the place about one important thing: The looks of the Paladin Tier5 set. Though this will probably be something lots of players will not see for years to come, everyone and his grandma has an opinion. Here the set as it is supposed to be at the moment:

All complaints are about how freaking gay this set looks. Pink all over the place! Even the Easter Bunny looks cooler than this. Now we know humans are gay (us as being the noble Horde), but let’s not hope my evil blood elf will have to wear this! This can not be true. Here! Let me show you the warlock-T5-set!

Now THIS is what I call an awesome set! Evil all over the place as a warlock is supposed to be. A warlock running towards you with this set, has half the battle won already. The only way I can win in Paladin T5-gear is when my opponent can’t stop laughing. Let me quote one of the paladins “This is a slap in the face from Blizzard! We are laughed at in game for as long as WoW is running, but this just adds insult to injury”. Someone even took it a step further and redesigned the set. Here it is:

Which led to another paladin on the board asking: “Hey! What are the stats on the handbag?”. Well as long as the humor is there, it won’t be that bad I guess :D

-- Zhero (rethinking his paladinreroll, because looking like a Teletubby is not cool)

Monday, November 13, 2006

Random weekend shit

So, where to start? I have been gaming all weekend and this morning looked through the pics I assembled. There was some nice stuff in it, so here we go.

Mount Hyjal
Let’s start with our trip to Mount Hyjal. This is a spot which is not open at the moment (rumours are you can get banned for being there) but you can get there with a lot of patience and practise. Late saturdaynight Nimra, Ghostt, Artanias and myself were killing some demons in the south of Winterspring for the doomguard-warlockquest. Nimra told us you could get to mount Hyjal from there and looked for the spot with help of a youtube video. Nevermore came as well and we started.

The fun part is you get ‘stuck’ all the time by invisible walls where you have to search for the part you can sneak through (or blink through as mages seem to be able to do that). This ended in me and Artanias (both mages) being in Hyjal after 45 mins or so and Nimra being stuck on the last wall. He threw away his heartstone, used the unstuck button, but that didn’t work. Damn. Then he made a summoningportal, which was in reach for us to click and summoned himself 1 centimeter further away. This worked! Hooray!

The rest of the guild who were online (10 people or so) were summoned quickly and we took a Ravens sight-seeing-tour through Mount Hyjal. In the middle of Mount Hyjal is the World Tree. Check the pics for the tree and some funny Blizzard stuff. Beneath the tree is a small lake where we all took a dive. It is so far down that I as an undead (3 minutes under water) could not even reach the bottom without underwater breathing buff. Deep down we gathered and summoned Puffie (yes Puffie!) and Nimra let him die (well, did he?) . O_O the joy we have with the troubles of others :D Here some pics from the World Tree and the message Blizz has left there.

Water plx
Now If this question is asked beforehand, I might consider it, but it went different. I was mailing a lot of stuff to my bank-alt with the CT-mail mod. When I am almost done, a trade window opened. WTF, that f*cked up my mail! Grrrrr, now I have to do it again. I press escape to make the window disappear and in my head I realize this is why the ‘ignore trade’-option is in the Blizzard-interface. It is there to help mages. Do you guys even realize what it is to be in Orgrimmar? If you haven’t played a lock or a mage, you really have no idea. I play both AND I am a patient man who always hands out water if asked in a normal matter. Roleplayers get extra water btw! But maybe there is hope for this one. He ofcourse whispers me when I cancel the trade:

Haha, this will teach him! Some explanation from me is in order:

Now a minute later I get this one. See, he already learned. He patiently waited (or was denied water by another mage) and now asks before opening a trade. Unsure if he will f*ck up again, he asks if he can open the trade.

And we end the discussion is normal fashion. Another 12-year old educated. Mages, thank me later for fighting this Don Quichotte battle for us.

Dead in Orgrimmar
This was just too strange. In all cities if you get fall-damage you will loose a percentage of your life, so nobody ever can die from falling. Now some programmer decided to let people die once in a while or a GM was having a bad day. But after a raid I jump down and die. Ok, I was not full health, but that should not matter (at least that is what I thought up till now. Plz someone explain to me how it works!)

Random quotes and pic of the week
I found some quotes worth mentioning in the guildchat again. Now I am not sure about Hood’s preferences, but you be the judge
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And the quote of the week is where Artanias gives Pedro the hard thruth (well done, Art! Let the thruth be told)
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Ah and then this pic from last week. I thought it had some artistic value. It’s from our trip to Ironforge. Well, let me tell the story. We were in Stranglethorn for the chest with 6-7 Ravens and had to duel Lovedeath and friends (ex-guildies) as well as a same sized Alliancegroup. Well, most alliance are PvE-oriented frostboltspammers, so no real challenge there. They outgeared us, but we outskilled them and took the chest while killing Lovedeath in the proces. We continued our trip and cleaned Stranglethorn from alliance, rode further to Duskwood and into Stormwind. We took the tram to Ironforge where we had fun for an hour or so doing “Let’s see who lives the longest while we all mount up and run through Ironforge” and “How fun is it to kill duelling Alliance”. Yeah yeah, we’re lame, but we seek fun in this game, so live with it! The pic is where we all try to decrypt the times the tram will arrive and leave. It’s pic of the week here at zhero-tolerance :D

-- Zhero

Thursday, November 09, 2006


The ignorelist. Sometimes I see people talk about their ignorelist and that they don’t have enough space. This really really surprises me. My ignorelist is empty. Ah…not totally true as I put a goldsellwhisperer once in it. But besides that I never ever have put anyone on it. Why would I?

You reap what you sow!

There you have it, ignorelistfillers! This, I really believe. A full ignorelist says more about yourself than about other people and players. If you get easily upset by people’s use of words you really must talk to yourself and ask what’s wrong. Why does it upset you?

Someone spamming a few lines in Orgrimmar, you put him in your list?
Someone bothering you for a summon or water/food, you put him in your list?
Someone saying stuff you don’t agree with, you put him in your list?

Ask yourself why you get upset so fast. Ask yourself why others can so easily get to you that you feel the need to put them on the ignorelist so you don’t have to see their words. “Good luck IRL”, I want to say to those as I am sure this haunts them there as well. Lighten up! Life’s too short to be filled with negative shit!

Now I am close to 100% sure that those with an empty ignorelist aren’t on a single list themselves. See the pattern?

-- Zhero

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

I just had to post this

This is an oldie that I just recently remembered. I've read them all again and find it very funny, so had to share it. This is a guy who has a lvl 60 Horde rogue by the name Angwe and a lvl 1 alliance called Angwespy. He is ganking always, everywhere and all levels. People know it’s him and know he has an alliance lvl 1 logged in at the same time, so they whisper him (not sure how updated this is, but damn it is funny): This is his story:

and on a sidenote:
When you take a look at you will find a lot of stuff that is currently in the beta. I see a lot of nice loot ofcourse, but also the professions have some goodies to offer and even professions which at the moment are not very usefull (or profitable: I mean 1 mooncloth every 4 days? The days I thought mooncloth shoulders were the best shoulders in the game are far behind me) seem to have gotten a boost. TBC is going to be fun and I want it now!

-- Zhero

Friday, November 03, 2006

Razorgore is down!!!

And damn, I’m proud. After many weeks of unsuccesfull attempts due to not having enough people in raid, motivation finally got boosted again with this dude down. Unfortunately I couldn’t be there and for the second time (it happened to Onyxia as well), they killed him without me for the first time. Well I was there for every single wipe before, so I feel part of it anyway. It does make you think however… :D

I believe (Ret)art-anias overnuked in an almost flawless attempt and managed to wipe the raid, before they finally got him on the next attempt. Gratz, gratz and more gratz. Awesome! Art, gratz as well, I bet the guildmessage will be adjusted accordingly with a new ‘Retard of the Week’. Hehe, just kidding dude, all in good fashion.

With the spirit back, I feel we can do more than this and hope more progress will be made in the coming weeks. When I heard it I respecced immediately to frost to be of more use in PvE. (another 50g down the drain). Taking Padia’s advice I respecced to the very PvE friendly 28/0/23. I went in AB with this spec and surprised myself with how well I was doing. Still gotta train more and get used to POM (man o man, how I love those pom-fireballs) and improved counterspell (what was it that you wanted to cast? Ah never mind, eat this!) again.

Well done guys! (and girls as we have many)

-- Zhero

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Another day at the job part II

Sometimes you have the feeling in this office that you’re facing premades all day long. Nothing, absolutely nothing is going your way. It feels like someone joins before the boss and ‘steals’ your loot, it feels like you’re rolling 99 while the last one is rolling 100, it’s like discing and seeing a 400 queue, it’s like people constantly opening a tradescreen and asking for water, it’s like they all say it’s your fault the raid wiped, but you know it’s the raidleader’s, it’s like you miss the raidinvite while you were in time and prepared. It’s like they tell you your damage sucks while you had been sheeping the adds at domo.

Days like these suck hard.

They suck very hard

They suck you dry till the point you just want to get some hp and mana and go on a rampage boss killing spree.

Let’s take that sucker colleague that sits across me first. BOOM HEADSHOT! He deserves it. Believe me! Then across the hall to that other colleague. He did nothing, but sucks anyway. BOOM MULTIKILL! Now down the stairs to that female manager I have to work with. She had it coming and she knows it. “Hi Zhero!”…”Hi bitch!” BOOM ULTRAKILL! Further to the right to pay the program-manager a visit. Paybacktime for all the times he wanted to interfere with my softwarereleases. As if anyone would listen to him. Lol. “Hi Noob!”….”Huh?” BOOM KILLINGSPREE! In the corner there is that trainer. She’s a bitch too. No need to let her bore more people. “Hi sweety…want some lead?”….(puzzled look on her face) BOOM RAMPAGE! Down to 1st floor. Here is where the guys-with-ties are and where the average iq matches the temperature. Let’s get that projectmanager first. They are the IT-has-to-do-what-I-say-type. Dude, if I would do what you ask, this company would have been bankrupt a long time ago! Here take some leadpills! They’ll help you figure out stuff (he is watching a MS-projectsscreen. He already lost at life, but doesn’t realize it yet). BOOM UNSTOPPABLE!. Ah, another enters. He still has the my-project-fails-but-I-managed-to-blame-IT-look on his face. BOOM MONSTERKILL! Free lead for everyone! Come and get some! While I walk towards the director’s office, I wonder if I looted the first ones. Never mind: the big loot comes from this one. I enter the room, tell him "Noobs in blues can never beat me" and finish it quickly. BOOM GODLIKE!!!! He never knew what hit him. Well, story of his life I would say. No loot ofcourse. Duh!

While I step in my car I think about what just happened in my head and I realize it makes me feel a lot better. I think I will take this tattoo. I am a badass today!

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-- Zhero