Friday, September 28, 2007

Statuscheck on Zhero

So where are we after all these weeks.

Warlock still feels good. The point is that I am done now. I can’t PvP for more items as I have them all (except for the belt which I find a too low upgrade) so basicly it is playing some arena to get some points and that is it. I could bank honorpoints for season III, but I notice it is hard to PvP for ‘something in the future’. Nevertheless I do some BG’s every now and then when we have a small team (it is just so much more fun playing with 3-4 people than doing BG’s alone) we play for some hours while having fun on Teamspeak. There are ofcourse still a lot of PvE things I could do, like farming for an epic mount (which you don’t need when you pvp), or farming for reputation items (which is useless because 99% of the pvp-items is better), but like I say: it is hard to ‘work’ for something which you do not need.

Coming Wednesday I have enough points to get the Spellblade . I choose to get the MH first instead of my 4th armor item (and the bonus), because the requierement for rating for the weapons in next season. It will give me 100 damage (and some resilience) exta, which will be very usefull. After the MH, I will get the offhand (major upgrade) and wand and then continue with the armor. Still to get
- MH: getting this coming Wednesday (got the 40 spellpower ready)
- Offhand 2 weeks
- Wand 1 week
- Head 3 weeks
- Legs (got battlecast pants, so not sure if I will spend the points)
So basicly in 6 weeks, I am totally done for the season and ready for season III. I think I did that rather quick for a char that is not even lvl 70 that long.

Arena is still not going well (well enough for points, but it seems hard to get a steady team going).
Hardcore Potential.
Nimpie made this team for his priest. His (fully) blue geared priest with 0 resilience wants some points as well, so we play our 10 games during the week. Sorcia joined with his priest as well, because we do not always get the 3v3 or 5v5 going. We’re at 1775 now with positive sessions each week. We’re facing teams now where the 0 resilience is becoming a problem, but sometimes we can outsmart them.

Cruel Bunnies.
We had something good going here with Szwok on his mage/warrior and Dier healing on her paladin. Dier got hacked 3 times in a row and is inactive because of this for the last weeks losing all her gear in the process. Me and Szwok have been messing around with some other teams, but Szwok’s motivation went down a couple of hunderd percent because of the constant attacks on Dier’s account (totally understandable).
We’re still on 1724 coming from 1800 or so, but I hope this will continue to come.

After a good start we got some hard weeks where not everyone was available and with the hacks on Dier’s account gave us some hard last weeks as well. 1697 it is after Sorcia joined this week to complete the games.

All in all it seems hard to get steady teams going for different reasons. I still love to do it, but getting more than the obliged 10 games/week is not happening for several weeks in a row (and several reasons).

I considered getting a 2nd character for pvp and eventually decided to do it. Now I already have a rogue (which I play in arena every now and then) and a paladin (same) on 70. I really don’t like the paladin in arena. Obviously I suck hard with the class, but you are very cc-able and 1 well timed counterspell gives you 10 seconds of nothing. Add to that the fact all your heals have casting time (not counthing holy shock) and there will be a time you just HAVE to cast one. All in all I don’t feel like bringing enough to the team. (but I suck hard with it, I see other paladins do it, I just can’t do it myself).
The rogue is nice, but I want a healclass, not another dps. Priest is just not my thing, so either shaman or druid. Now I always loved the druidclass, just back then with my old druid (Maro lvl 61) I had T1 healing gear and had really good feral gear, but could not make a difference in feral. Things have obviously changed since then and seeing druids in arena, I felt that was the class I needed to play as my 2nd class to pvp with. (no reroll, lock is still #1. Just to be clear about it).

So I started a new druid (since Maro is a male druid and I just can’t justify it to myself watching male cows. I want those boobs to bounce!), so I made Maix, the female cow. Maix is 49,5 atm and I am really pushing it, because I want to be in outlands asap since levelling the old content is boring as hell. A big tnx here for Szwok and Nimra who helped me a lot with some powerlevelsessions (as did Veritha btw, his paladin rox).

So those will be my 2 active chars. Zhero and Maix. And since Maix will be a full healer, I might even run some PvE stuff for gear :D

I even am browsing the net again for good info on druid and found this one. or (very enjoyable reading if you ask me)

-- Zhero (will be out of his parents basement in 5 weeks. o_O)

Monday, September 24, 2007

Nerf me? L2P!

So I am browsing the forums at work and already regret it when I come to the PvP-section of the forum. All on the front page:

While there is a clear sticky from Blizz that they do not tolerate nerf posts, these just stand there and get more entries every minute. Nerf posts in disguise I call them.

Being FOTM isn’t always nice. Ofcourse having a class (or I rather should say spec) that is better by default has it’s moments, but being called OP all the time or if you win a duel, you did not win, but “your class and spec” did, gets old fast as well. When do people learn that there will always be 1 class which performs better on average than all others? We’ve started with rogues as the OP class, then it were shamans, then it were shadowpriests, then it were warriors etc. etc. Now it is warlock (or 1 spec I should say: the infamous 27/34/0 spec which gives high damage and high survivability).

And because complaining is easier than finding solutions, we keep bashing those locks till the nerfbat hits them. The only reason I would like that is because a bazillion people are rolling and levelling warlocks atm because they are OP. They would slowly disappear and I would be one of the few warlocks around again. Like old times. Like the times when every class could just stop by, demount, kill us and mount again with 75% HP. The times when I actually called a friend to tell him I killed someone fair and square! The times Mute (WorldOfRoguecraft episode III) was our hero and kept our hopes up. But those times are gone, and what’s left are haters on the forums and more and more locks everyday.

Well I got one message for all you haters: L2P NOOBS! (haha, that felt good)

-- Zhero (Owning people never gets old. Haha I’ll enjoy it while it lasts:D)

Thursday, September 13, 2007

My movies

I cleaned up my PC a few weeks ago and threw away a lot of warcraftmovies to free some space. When I looked again yesterday I noticed the ones that I saved. I’ve seen all of them multiple times and share with you the ones I have still on my PC (some are real old).

Vurtne III:
Vurtne I:
I still have Vurtne II, IV and V as well, but these 2 are my favourites. V is the only one from TBC, the rest is pre-TBC. I am not sure how I got onto him. I was on my lock already when I watched him the first time, but every time I watch him, I question that choice and wonder if I should level my mage any further. This movies are about immense skill, it is fast paced and has duels and shows some unbelievable stuff which no other magemovie had. I think I watched Vurtne III 25+ times. (I think I watched Vurtne I 60-70 times btw). I am/was a Vurtne fanboi.

Then this one is still on my PC. It was posted may-2005!!!! On and survived all my cleanups.
Check the google-video to hear the song. THIS MUST BE VIEWED WITH SOUND to understand why there’s 300 hours of editing in this movie. Yep, you read it right: 300. It was one of the first movies I had and it was so much better than all the others back then. It is more a music-videoclip and was released when dal-rend was the ownage and WSG was first introduced. Old times, but oh so a pleasure (or not, you’ll see what I mean) to watch/listen.

The first one to make impressive clips! He is the creator of the Sorrow Hill series which was the first movie that showed what a mage really could do. After SH4 (or 5 not sure anymore) it was rumoured he was killed in a carcrash, which he with SH6 denied. Mageforums went berserk. He was back! I used to call Szwok (or he would call me) whenever a new SH was posted.
This is Sorrow Hill III. The first clip I watched over a 100 times I guess, cause back then it was absurd. Nowadays there would be more people who could do that, but back then this guy was lightyears ahead and he has kept me on my mage for a very very long time. Each movie inspired me to continue with it. He has made up till SH9 and there are better (better vids at least) mages now, but these are here for old times sake. Add to that, that I like his music a lot and you know why all 9 vids are still in my directory.

Don’t know what this is? Want to see true art? Gogogo download. He made 3 movies, made a trailor of the 4th, but that one never came. I only have 1 and II on my PC, but I will sure add the 3th as well.
This is the 1st movie. We meet the then level 54? (not sure) mage who was owning up lvl 60’s. But his movies are not really about the pvp (arcane power/pompyro specced), though he is very very skilled. This is editing beyond. This is scary shit actually. Hidden messages all over the place. This is ‘The Ring” in WOW. Don’t watch in the dark. Well, actually do. Turn of all your lights, put your headphone on, turn up that volume and see how music + images can get to you. Whether you like it or not, an experience it will be. (I don’t want to give to much away)

World of Roguecraft
It is THE most downloaded pvp-movie on warcraftmovies. And sure you’re in for a treat. This is from back in the days when rogues could kill anyone and warlocks were cannonfodder for each and every class. If you have never seen this, you MUST DOWNLOAD it. Why? Because this movie is funny, superwell done and has great, great stuff in it. Mute is a lvl 60 warlock who is sick of being owned by rogues who tell him to L2P. He levels a rogue to 60 to prove it is an overpowered class that any retard can play and beat people with for the sole purpose of making a movie of it. Did he succeed? Most downloaded for a reason.
It is a ton better than whatever random comedy on tv nowadays. Believe me. Since when am I wrong? After episode III, he made episode II and episode I. If you really want to go into it, you can download them all and have fun for 1,5 hours.

I already wrote about this movie in one of my last entries. He made the I can only beat noobs serie.
I like his style and how well the music matches the video. Funny roguemovie. Too bad there does not seem to be a downloadable version (I have it though, so if you really want it in good quality, just tell me)

If you play a druid and never saw this one, shame on you. Awesome editing, really awesome. Awesome fights from druids back when feral and balance were trees which were obsolete (patch 1.5/1.6). You either was resto or a guildless druid. These guys were topgeared back then and did the unthinkable. They killed other players. Druids killing other players? Now druids are used to watching Azgaz-owning-vids (which are nice as well), but this is something special.
These guys know editing. I like the fight in the beginning with the rogue the best as it’s on awesome SystemOfADown music and so so fitting. Ah, I should shut up and you should watch.

He is #2 on the most downloaded movies-list and for a good reason. Even if you don’t like rogues, you will like this. He always claimed this movie was not for showing off skill (which he obviously has), but for entertainment. And goddamn entertaining it is. This is the 2nd from his series, which I like best. Editing, beating 2 warriors with sulfuras at once, 2 shotting people. It’s all in here. Very very very entertaining to say the least.
Rumours are that he is working on Grim III. He seems to be still playing on Al Akir (eu).

Most are rogue- and magemovies. That has to do with 2 classes which can do very interesting things in PvP. Dotting up people is not really fun to watch. This is the list which is on my PC. I am wellaware of the fact that taste differs and that there are lots of movies out there which are as good (or even better) than these, but this is my list.

-- Zhero (wishes he had some editing skills)

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Duelling is no fun

What is it with people? Why is it hard to say ‘gg’ when you lost a duel. It does not seem hard to me, but when I was duelling a little yesterdayevening (I am not much of a dueller, though I have a lock so people die automaticly) I noticed it again. Excuses, whine or even the remark that you suck after you beat people. Telling someone that he played well, seems impossible.

Even on lower levels this happens. Now that I have all BG-items with Zhero, I don’t HAVE to BG anymore so I was flying around Terrokar/Skettis (I do the shatari skyguard quests every now and then) looking for a gank. Somehow no alliance showed up apart from a lonely 63 hunter (I killed him anyway. Honor=honor), so I logged onto my 33 female druid to get some quests done. While I am waiting at the zeppelin, this 37 priest wants to duel me. I accept and off we go. While he is throwing shadow word:pain and mindblasting me, I am doing a few attacks in catform and when on 60% health I shift and heal myself full. Now I am not sure at what level priests can dispel (ah fuck it: let’s look it up…..done: lvl 18 it is) but all my HOT’s stayed up as well as my MOTW. He goes oom after some time and I finish him up. Awaiting the ‘well played’ cause I had the idea I did it all well, he spoke some other words.

“I only played with you a little”

Now what is that supposed to mean? You mean you were not duelling seriously? And did you make that up before or after you started the duel, before or after you saw that you were going to lose? Pfff, how hard can it be to just say ‘gg’? Being the mean bastard that I am I responded with:

“That is ok, I had a phonecall anyway and had to play with one hand”

I guess it is human nature just to search for explanations as why we lost. Just stand outside Orgrimmar (I bet Ironforge is the same) and watch a little. You’ll find the following sentences:
- “You resisted my counterspell”
- “I had 5 seconds lag”
- “Without that pet, you are so dead”
- “Duh, with your gear and still I got you on 30%. Owned!”
- “Roflcoil and fear, pfff try to win with skill”
- “With that noobspec, everyone can win”

I hate that last one the most. I am 27/34 spec which happens to be the easiest spec for 1v1 (as well as fitting in my arenateam, that’s why I have it) and full frost mages accuse me of having the easymodespec. So what do you mean? Casting frostnovas and icelances requires more skill? You’re the better player, cause I use an overpowered class and an overpowered spec. Why duel me in the first place then? The answer is simple. They want to duel you, cause they have nothing to lose. If they win, it shows how awesome they are. If they lose, it means nothing, cause they are meant to lose. They will say something because it must show for everyone (and especially themselves) that your win was meaningless.

Szwok told me he duelled on his rogue some time and was beating up a warrior time after time. That guy started with “you can’t use vanish” and after “you can’t use poisons”, “you can’t use blind” , “you can’t restealth” and “you can’t use stunlock” was left with daggering him from the front while taking overpowers and mortal strikes.

Try and say ‘gg, well played”. It’s not hard, really. Special mention of Aurinko here. I was duelling this retribution paladin on my rogue and lost. Awaiting the ‘noobrogue’-remark he came with: ‘thanks for duelling, well played’. He made me walk away with my head up and my back straight. Thanks for that! A true paladin.

-- Zhero (at work and bored. stuff to do, but no lust to do it)