Friday, July 13, 2007

Mudkilde, the story

I was stuck in traffic on my way to the airport.
Then I was stuck at the airport.
Then I got stuck in the traffic on our way here.

-- Anders Fridén, lead singer of In Flames

And with those sentences and an awesome performance he opened our Roskildefestival. Three warlocks from Holland going there for the first time, but I get ahead of myself. Let's go back a few days.

Tuesday, 03-07
I get up at 10:30 hours. Tonight we drive off to Roskilde. Sad, Smutty and myself (Zhero) will jump in the car and enjoy 4 days of bands. Yiehaaa, I was really looking forward to that and meeting up with Jonez and Daymare. 2 dudes that I have been gaming with for the last 2 years. I pick the other locks up at 21:00 and 22:00 and we're off for an uneventfull, easy ride through empty german roads with rain from time to time and bad looking overaged germans passing us in big, expensive cars.

Wednesday, 04-07
We arrive at 09:00 or so in Roskilde. It is filled with cars, people in red coats (festival service) and zombies walking from left to right and right to left. I am not kidding you. If you ever levelled an undead, you know the Deathknell starting area where you have to kill some wondering zombies. That's exactly the scenery here.
The red coats we ask where we can park send us from north to south to west to east to north, only for us to discover we checked all parkinglots now and are back where we started. Small detail: Almost all of them can see our car has dutch licenseplates, but still they decide to talk to us in Danish. Finally we find a red coat capable of speaking english (do all swedes and norwegian dudes understand Danish? Just a question) and she actually does a little more than send us to the next full spot and finds us a parkingspace a few miles from the east-entrance. We park, unload and start the long walk. All this time rain is pooring down.

We enter the camping area and see mud, mud and mud and no free space. People tell us we should move to S or P spot. We get the map and see it's not even on it so far away is it and we decide to put down our tents near the entrance to have a small walk. Yes, it was outside the lines. Now why the F*ck would they make lines here on this muddy grass? We managed to put down our tents and went off for some well deserved sleep after being awake 24 hours. 90 minutes later we are rudely awoken by redcoats and the head of security.
'You got to move your tent!'
'You got to move your tent!'
-- 'uh....why?'
'You got to move your tent!'
Head of security does not mean got-any-knowledge-of-english, so one of the redcoats explains that it is fire-regulations. HAHAHAHA, I tell him I like the joke and wish him luck starting a fire with this weather and want to go back in the tent.
'You got to move your tent!' (the chief gnome again).
-- 'yeah dude, I got that the first time, but if you don't mind we wait till it's dry'
The chief gnome looks angry. One of the redcoats says we have to move now or we will be removed by force. ("festival service" obviously has a different meaning in Denmark than in Holland). We start moving in the rain, but where the f*ck do we have to go to? All is full. They tell us in there are spots on the most-south part of the camping and ofcourse we do not believe them. We move the other way and put down our tents again outside the lines wellaware of the fact that we will have to move soon again, but we really needed some sleep and did not want to walk through that rain for another hour. In the evening (and more rain) we have to move again and in the middle of the night, Smutty has to move his tent again half a meter. (I am not kidding, festival service to the max).

thursday, 05-07
They created some extra lines we can stand in, so we have spots now. Tired, stuff is wet and it is still raining. We wonder around a little looking around for some food and discover they have a movietheather as well. We decide to go see the movie 'svid neger' due to the description of it being a very sucky movie and that's just what we need. Rest and a place to sit dry for 90 minutes. We went there through the biggest pile of mud i have ever seen only to discover that electricity broke down and there is no movie. It probably was real bad anyway. We go back to the tent and install ourselves on 1 square meter in Smutty;s tent with the chairs we bought. All is wet, my shoes are wet, my socks are wet, my sweater is wet. Damn this place. We pass the day in Smutty's tent, a relatively dry place and drink vieux-cola and smoke weed. We do this for the rest of the day, because going out was not an option. We decide to take a small nap at 20:00 to go see Bjork afterwards, but we all knew we were not going. I went to my tent and found 20 centimers of not wet-space and tried to lay down there. "Why am I here?", "Why would I stay here?", "Why are Daymare and Jonez not answering their phones? maybe they have dry spots! (i read friday they both left already and had it even worse)". I sleep for periods of 10 minutes and then realize i have to get my arm out of the water. I hear Bjork far she hot?, i wouldn't rains...what time is it? It's 22:00, it's 23:15, it's 00:11, it's 01:50, it's 02:02, it's 04:20!! it's 05:10, it's 05:56, it's 08:07.

friday, 06-07
It is dry! What? IT IS FUCKING DRY!! YIEHAAAAAAAA. I change clothes, saved some dry ones in a plastic bag. put on my wet boots and go to the guys. Yes, i am tired, but no rain is awesome. We buy some boots, pancakes and check the forum on for messages from Jonez and Daymare while we sip some coffee there. Oh rain is so awesome. I buy a sweater, change socks, put on the dry boots and all of a sudden i am there again. I can smile again. I feel great again! We go to the festival and see In Flames, which really is one of the best bands ever! We enjoy the day, see great looking girls and drink all day long while checking some bands left and right. At 01:00 we go to sleep, drunk, high and happy we are still there.

saturday, 07-07
Bands all day long. We started with Strike Anywhere (awesome oldschool punk. Really great performance for 300 people) at 11:00 and ended with the Chili Peppers (sucked bigtime for 50k?/60k? people) at 01:00. We left after a few songs. Walking all day on rubber boots which are a bit too small is really killing my feet the hard way. It feels like permenant damage is conflicted. Again we go to sleep relatively early, but then i think we never managed to get fit from the first 2 days.

sunday, 08-07
We decide to pack early, bring the stuff to the car and go back to see Arctic Monkeys. Then we can leave any time we like. We put on the boots of agony again and start the long walk to the car with all our stuff. When we finally arrive there i can no longer take it. The fucking boots are killing me. Another 5-6 hours of walking on them will cause severe damage i am afraid. I suggest to start riding now and Sad and Smutty agree. I throw the boots away and run them over while leaving. 11 hours later i am home and taking my 1st shower in 5 days. I am tired, but log in and do 3 arathi basin's on my warlock. It feels good again.

I remember reading this on a t-shirt while whatching Strike Anywhere.

We burned down your houses
and pissed in your well
we leave you with nothing
but a story to tell

Well, this is my story...

-- Zhero (fully back on his lock owning up the BG's)

Tuesday, July 03, 2007


I am off to Roskilde for a couple of days and will be returning the 9th or 10th. ZOMG, awesome bands coming. Daymare and Jonez coming (let's hope i can meat them) and 75k people coming. Should be a blast.

I've been levelling my lock for a new setup in our 5v5 team which took a good beating this week. He is currently lvl 69 and Nimra promised me he would level the last level in the coming days. That is what I call a nice offer.

Bunnies did not do too well this week. Our 5v5 lost 8-2. Whenever we do the 4dps, 1 healer setup things seem to go smooth. When we go warrior/rogue/lock and 2 healers it all goes bad. We really have no staying power then. Krexxor still does not want to go elemental. Now we plan on 2 mage/2 lock/1 paladin. For that cause i am levelling my lock (and because i like it)
Our 3v3 gained a few points but nothing really out of the ordinary. I put on mongoose on my main hand (500g auch) and notice that it procs pretty often).
Szwok and Nimra played A LOT on their 2v2 with big swings up and down. They keep losing to Line-Of-Sight teams with a priest which are well represented in the high areas. I think they are back on 1800 now, but that changes by the day.

Nimra helped me 2 evenings with questing/ganking and we ran through all the quests pretty quick while ganking every alliance in sight. Pretty funny if you ask me.

More when i come back. Beer, music and blond girls are awaiting me.

-- Zhero (making a return? who knows)