Thursday, December 28, 2006

Big Pile Of Nothing Really

So here we go. A big pile of nothing I stumbled across the last few days. I will just try to put it in 1 big post. Ah, but first:

Bye Ravirra (the dude)! A guildy quitting is never a nice thing, but quitting wow altogether and giving your account away seems like a no-way-back. Cya dude, hang on in there. Too bad we won’t meet in TBC.

Now we have that off our chests, let’s go! I’ve been grinding the classforums (yes, all om them) to just see if anythings interesting is in there. I don’t know why I do it as basicly they all whine about how underpowered they are and how overpowered hunters and warlocks are, but you got to do something in the boss his time :D Here some that made me smile.

Paladinforum (question asked by a shammie)
“If a pally bubbles and no one’s around, does he still hearth?”

Warriorforum (in a thread where they’ve been told it’s not all that bad)
"This is how my standard combatlog lookes like.
- Absorbed
- Absorbed
- You cant do that while stunned
- Not enough rage
- Need more rage
- 98
- 460
- 1400
- Ability not ready yet
- Absorbed
- Absorbed
- Can't do that when you are dead”

Druidforum (stupidest things done as a druid)
“Dumbest by far was when i tried to kill a Warlock”

Hunterforum (about where are the normal hunters?)
What gives? Last I checked at character creation when selecting Hunter it doesn't say: "Play this class if you're severely mentally challenged and worship Legolas."

Not all will know the name, but the older Ravens will recognize him. He and a fellowshammie tried to beat me and nimp in Arena (dual shammie vs. dual lock).
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He told us he was working in Belgium at the moment, but I think he is up to something. Seems he created a new guild with high level members to totally wtfpwn the arena in TBC. Secret training did not go unnoticed.
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When our I-respec-twice-a-week-GM came online and discovered that feral was very viable right now (being pushed in that direction by “I will never play druid again”-Milker: a lvl 60 druid) he knew the horror would never stop. And I feel for him.
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“Hardcore gamer” is a too soft expression for this guy. Always ready for some spicy comments as well. He made a mage, levelled it to 26 within 12 hours and gave these comments. (keep in mind that Artanias a.k.a. “The Snail” is not known for fast levelling and keep in mind Nimp grinded to exalted with Timbermaw twice!)
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Here Ravirra with some serious stuff. You know you need those Nimp-remarks to keep you going in the game!
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Now if you have not been there yet, I suggest you leave PvP for a moment anf fly down to Tanaris. It looks great. I took some screenies while I was there on my hunter.

-- Zhero (grinding a hunter to 60 atm to kill time)

ps: I seem to have f*cked up the page, will fix when home. (this sh1t4ss screens at work need to die! ARGFJ^#&*)

psII: fixed

Wednesday, December 27, 2006


That’s all there is at the moment. Everyone and his mom is pvp-ing. If you do /who Molten, you will find an empty list. Guilds are not raiding, people are bored and either preparing for their new character or pvp-ing. Honor is what it is all about and most people want that fast, so they make premades. Those premades jump from BG to BG to find a PUG-group which they can steamroll very fast, so they can get honor faster. A lot of premades do this. They avoid eachother to avoid lenghty games to avoid getting not so much honor. Day in, day out, week in, week out.

And what for?

Now don’t get me wrong, I do like PvP. Just premades owning left and right is not my cup of tea. I love to battle a better geared player, I just can’t handle 5 of them at once (and I am a warlock! But don’t worry: I made a ticket for this. Warlocks should be able to handle 5 better geared players at once). I like to PvP ‘old style’ with nice 1 on 1 battles, so we went out ganking in Silithus a couple of times (which resulted in us being corpsecamped. Now THAT’s how it should be) and gained some honor in the process, but not as much as we could have made in premades. I have to be honest: I did enjoy the few times I entered our own guildpremades and won, but it just doesn’t cut it for me. It has all to do with better communication (Teamspeak vs. /BG-chat) and not so much with skill.
Arena will be different as there you will have premade vs. premade.

So I levelled my daughter’s hunter from 34 to 50 atm and trying to get it to 60 before TBC. Maybe even throw in some blue gear, so she will be ready for TBC (she does not play much anymore, she mostly plays The Frozen Throne (warcraft III) and then the custom maps) and I do it to keep myself busy. Half of january my female bloodelf paladin (with the name Soni) will be created and I will level her to 70 first. At least that is the planning.

And that’s what it is for most people I assume. They are keeping themselves busy until TBC. You CAN NOT keep yourself busy if you do not set goals, so we make our own goals.
- 2/4/6 pieces R12/R13 gear
- HWL/GM weapons
- Levelling an alt to 60
- Collecting gold
- Getting reputation
- Starting a new alt mage (uhhh...???)
It is almost impossible to keep yourself busy without goals. So people are not really pvp-ing for the gear. They know it will be obsolete soon. They are just keeping themselves busy until TBC.

3 weeks people, 3....more....weeks.

-- Zhero (almost got 2 pieces R12 gear now)

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Secret of an Old God

Finally they found something. Debated in many raids and on many forums: The Onyxia-encounter.
We all know the Onyxia-encounter and the strange aggro happening at the start of phase III. In this forum-thread it is all explained, but I’ll run it down here when you don’t want to read the whole thread.

Basicly everyone who gets fireballed in phase II, gets a complete aggroreset unless you resisted or partially resisted, then you seem to get a partial reset.

Now this explains why priests often get initial aggro in phase III. They get targeted in phase II, use their aggro reducing ability and get their turn in the start of phase III. After more than 18 months they have finally figured it out. They are still undecided though about the deep breaths though. Here it is still a discussion about positioning, average dps and just a random factor. A big gratz to Blizzard for making this so unobvious that it took this long to figure out. Awesome!

Now while I was reading about it, I came across some links. And this one caught my eye. It is good old Dives. Guildleader of “Wipe Club” and famous for his Onyxia-yelling. It seems the way he handles it, wasn’t so bad after all :D

- interview + pic from Dives
- the famous animated version of the Onyxia-wipe

GM's R evol
Ah and another interesting read on the american forum for if you are bored at work. It’s about ‘the most selfish thing a guild member has done’, mostly about GM’s that steal bankgold, items and other ways to upset and abuse the rest of the guild.

They are weird from time to time, but it seems we’re not that bad off with Nevermore and Talanar :D What's a normal officer these days anyway?
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-- Zhero (sees confirmed he is not a bad guildy)

Friday, December 08, 2006

Some cheese with that whine please

It’s that time again. The few days after a patch when the whole community it seems comes to the Blizz-forums and starts crying. Let’s do a small trip round the classforums. It is really entertaining.

Hunterforum (thread titles in Italic)
#1: Noob hunters critting 1k+ white crits. This is a whine about arcane shot
#2: Simply amazed…..all clothies are free kills. This is about an amazed hunter who kills every clothie in seconds
#3: This is happening more often than not. This is with a screeny from a combatlog where a mage is killed before silencing shot fades with over 4k of damage (the average mage has 3000-3500 life).

Conclusion: Hunters are nasty (I experienced this as well with my lock. I was able to beat some 1v1 anyway. I found a 1866 arcaneshot crit in my combatlog as well).

#1: Hunter vs. mage (new patch) ROFL. About a mage complaining about hunters
#2: READ: warlock whining about mage talents. About a mage who found a post in the warlock forum where a warlock whines about mages. O_o the irony.
#3: Mages are dead, what have you done? About a mage complaining about being 2-shotted by rogues and warriors. A warrior replies their damage is nerfed and he just got HIT by a 2.4k fireball)

Conclusion: Mages have it bad and are undecided about their spec and new talents. Not much whines about other classes.

#1: Time to nerf you guys. A whine from a lowlevel alt about paladins in plate 2-shotting everything
#2: Thank you Blizzard! About a happy paladin who likes the new spells and animations.
#3: Thanks for ruining PvP. “it’s too easy now” from a paladin

Conclusion: Paladins have a general good feeling about the patch and the new talents and are comfortable in PvP.

#1: How many of you are quitting? About a priest who claims they get 2-shotted and claims priests are back on the bottom of the foodchain now.
#2 Anyone else feels gimped compared to others? About priest that were ‘ok’ prepatch in shadowform and now loose to most classes except warriors
#3 1-shotted. About a priest who gets one-shotted by all classes.

Conclusion: Priests have it bad and can’t believe they are not on top of the foodchain anymore. Best quote from 1 of the threads: “Get spirit of redemption and you can heal great in pvp! (think 90% of my healing done happens when dead -.-)”

The biggest thread in the warriorforum is the thread called “Retired Warrior as per 2.01 list”

Well I could go on here, but I think you get the picture. It’s been patchday again and some positions have been changed in the foodchain.

New order seems to be:
1. Hunter
2. Warlock
3. Paladin
4. Rogue
5. Druid
6. Mage
7. Priest
8. Shaman
9. Warrior

Feel free to disagree, but this seems to be the order atm. If you feel depressed, just grind some of the class-threads as it will certainly cheer you up. There’s lots of whine, you only need to bring the cheese yourself to have an entertaining evening. Have fun the coming weeks those with powers and be patient those down the chain, it will only last till TBC.

Let me end with a post from the shaman thread. It is called “HOW DOES IT FEEEEEEEEEL?"

“Today we paladins are what shamans used to be and shamans are what paladins used to be Welcome to my old chair, you may sit on it as much as you like”

Amen brother

-- Zhero (suddenly pvp-ing with his lock again :D)

PS: If you think you have problems, just think about Jonez/Farlon and how he struggles through life.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Vurtne 4

I know I am a fanboi. Sorry, I just can't help it. There is nothing I enjoy so much as seeing a player with this much skill. It is smaller than normal, 'cause he wanted to release it before the talent-patch.

And while you are at it. I see Drakedog 6. Haven't seen it yet, but downloading it now. He once was the example of many locks, beating classes with seduce nukes in the time warlocks were eaten by every class in this game.

-- Zhero


Wednesday we will get the PvP-patch as I see it. I think many (if not all) will PvP and get their share of warlord/marshal epix. It is rumored round the net that the honor gain will be approx. 10% of the known honor gain and that you have to get tokens from the bg’s and turn them in together for rewards. Here just a copy-paste from the forums:

Rank 12 equivalents: 43875 points
Epic Pants cost 19125 honor pts & 30 WSG marks.
Epic Gloves are 12375 pts & 20 AV marks.
Epic Boots are 12375 pts & 20 AB marks.

Rank 13 equivalents: 51625 points
Epic Chest now costs 20250 pts & 30 AB marks.
Epic Helm now costs 19125 pts & 30 AV marks.
Epic Shoulders now cost 12375 pts & 20 AB marks.

Entire epic set is 95,625 pts plus 80 AB marks, 50 AV marks & 30 WSG marks.

Rank 14:
22.5k pts & 20 AB marks for epic 1-hand (ranged weap & shields)
45k pts & 40 AV marks for epic 2-hand.

Entire blue set: 21,520 pts
Boots 2750
Gloves 2750
Pants 4250
Chest 4500
Shoulders 2750
Helm 4250


So everyone and his mother is able to get those nice looking shoulders and some heavy pvp players will even get the whole set including the rank 14 weapons (Hooray for Puffie! I bet he will get them. And well deserved if you ask me). Same goes for the epic rewards from the individual BG’s. They can be bought as well. From the same forumpost:

Also, WSG epic pants are 8500 pts & 60 marks. The blue lvl 60 WSG sword is 10,000 pts. I assume the AB & AV rewards are similar requirements. I believe TuF is 24000 honor and 40 AV marks, Lobotomizer 12000 honor 40 AV marks. I havent confirmed these in a while.

Don’t forget to take a look into these. You can now replace the parts which you were unhappy about with nice epix.

But is this wise?

It is nice if you are all about looks. If you want to look cool, go ahead. I think it might be more wise to save up all the points and marks (especially these) until TBC (and hope they will not be reset). Because then you will be able to buy lvl 70!!! PvP-epix. And I am not sure if you really want to grind those 30 AV marks again (not as a Horde, you don’t want that!).

Just take a look here:

That is lvl 70 stuff. And ofcourse you need to turn in honor as well and yes you can grind that again when you are 70, but having a little headstart seems enough advantage for me to not turn in any marks/honor for items the coming 6 weeks. I guess there is plenty to focus on when I am 70. (new instances, new repgrinds etc.) to not want to grind bg's again for tokens.

6 weeks…come on guys…..only 6 weeks. You should be able to handle that. Your patience will be rewarded.

-- Zhero (who is actually thinking of turning in 30/30/30 marks for the black war wolf. I just love the looks so much)