Tuesday, February 20, 2007


I am frustrated and while I am normally never really frustrated I can see this is getting on my nerves. I am talking about the latency-issue I (and many people like Ghostt/Sad who share the same ISP) currently have.

My latency is between 350 and 1200 EVERY SINGLE DAY for the last week now. I didn’t look into it last Tuesday when it started, but I started with that after Wednesday and Thursday were the same. The problem is the routing. My ISP delivers their traffic to Cogent Communication. Cogent Communication is a big company which handles transatlantic traffic amongs other things. The problem however is that CogentCo makes the traffic go through amsterdamàlondonàNew YorkàWashington before it gets to Telia. Now this is what is causing the constant lag.

I’ve been pretty active on the wow-forum and with calling and mailing my ISP and also Cogent to make sure pressure is applied. They aknowledged the problem already, but it is still unsure who is responsible for us having another route all of a sudden. Last news from Cogent was that ‘Telia requested this route’ though I find that hard to believe.

All this time me and Sad are kinda levelling together with lagspikes over 5 seconds and heals that take ages. I even did a some instances and only due to the imba healing that Mortui’s vampiric embrace gives, we manage to survive. But when I got ganked, I could not respond in time and that kinda sucks. This situation SUCKS HARD!

Here a nice story! Last night Hulkster, Ghostt, Mortui, Nimpie and myself decided to do Old Hillsbrad, but Mort and Nimp already got ganked once there by some lvl 70 Alliance and when I finally arrived the 3 of us (Mortui, Nimp and myself) got in combat with 4 lvl 70 alliance. Mortui took one out quickly but went down himself as well as I was too late with my heal. I concentrated on healing Nimpie who took down the hunter, but now had the paladin on him, while the 70 druid was mangling away on me. Well this DPSADIN and ROARR-I-AM-A-DRUID-SO-I-DPS kept hitting and while I could easily outheal the druids dps and the paladin’s dps, Nimpie killed them both. So there were lying 4 dead lvl 70 Alliance. That felt kinda good. 3 lvl 65/66 killing 4 lvl 70. /flex. Ravens for life!

Here some common Ravens-thinking towards girlfriends

Milker catching Veritha, The Gadzetstan Slut, again. No further words needed.

Quithus got confronted:

What we really think of Milker

-- Zhero

Monday, February 12, 2007

This weekend

Soni is lvl 60!

Well, it’s been a while, so here some background info. Last friday I dinged 58 and could finally go to Outland where I quickly managed to get the last 2 levels solo-ing a lot of quests in Hellfire Peninsula where the exp is 10k per quest. So 20 quests is a level. Saturdaynight I was planning on preparing everything for my epic mount quest, so I delivered like 400g of stuff and gold to someone in Silvermoon, killed some ghouls in Eastern Plaguelands, delivered some more and got a quest to pick up a bowl of water in Tyrs hand. I went there, could solo 2 elites at a time, but it went wrong with 3 elites (last pull before the bowl, goddamnit) at the same time. I went out for drinks (see a bit lower in this article for more drinkinginfo :D) and returned at 04:00 and Ghostt helped me in Tyrs Hand to get the bowl. I was on the final part now. Killing 5 paladins on the first square in Stratholme. I should have waited (it was like 05:45 now), but got a group consisting of Jonez, Daymare, Uglyone (on his warrior) and Tardark. That should be more than enough but Daymare fell asleep, so never made it to Stratholme and Jonez had an unexpected female visitor (at that time?) so went afk (‘to get food’) and never came back. So I decided I would start the event just to see what it was like, but it was so easy (tardark had them all down in seconds) that I think I threw only 1 heal. I picked up my tabard (blood knight paladin only so far) and my mount which you can see below. I might be the first be-paladin with paladin epic mount, but can’t say for sure. I know others were busy with it as well, but did not see one or heard of it. Not that it matters much, but it’s still nice. I had a lot of people who offered to help me with this quest. I want to thank all of them because in the end it is the thought that matters.
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Currently I am lvl 61,5 as I levelled with Nimpie and Sad whole sunday and 2 dps and a healer (I respecced a little) make quick work off each and every quest out there.

Talking about mounts and Nimpie (Nimra), here a pic of our #1 rep farmer who managed to get a Dark War Talbuk already by grinding for straight hours. I think it looks awesome. Gratz dude!
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So what are Ravens upto nowadays. Well, whose words are better to use for telling than Hood’s and Jonez’s.
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The guildchat is very nice and makes good reading while grinding away on TBC quests. Some old stories are being retold about the great Hood and such, ofcourse mentioned by Hood himself reminding Nimra how it was back then.
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There’s talk about ganking Alliance, ganking our lovely Mary…
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…and people annoucing dings and their presence in outlands.
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There’s late night talk about religion and the cause of why Jonez has lived in his car
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And then real late, the serious chats occure. This is from last saturdaynight somewhere between 04:30 AM and 06:15 AM. I will publish it all unedited. It just shows what a happy guild we really are. (and goddamn what are all these dudes doing online at that time)
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I just want to say I love Ravens and all people in it. You guys make me enjoy this game a lot. Don't ever consider leaving!

-- Zhero

edit: while I post it, I see the Dayender-enchants. So, if our guys don't have it, make sure to give Dayender a whisper.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Epic horse

Yep I dinged 60 and quickly did the epic horse questline. Here it is. (more tomorrow, busy now)
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-- Zhero

Friday, February 02, 2007

Random Shitz

Well, she is nearly 51 now. I dinged 50 and could do the 5 times runecloth (yep, Silvermoon as well) deliveryquest for 33k experience and the aszhara tablet deliveryquests (30k) to all the cities at the same time. This combined with some easy quests gave me almost a level in 2,5 hours. 58 is only 7 levels away and I really can’t wait to enter Outlands and discover all new things myself. I like to thank people who offered me helping hands. Daymare rushed me through JA in the Hinterlands (and everyone knows that one sucks). (The Daymaredude is awesome really!) I even couldn’t finish it due to dinner and had to come back for some last kills. Myhtica helped me there as well to finish it off.

The fun part now is I finish each and every quest I see, because you really do not want to grind with a paladin. Though my killspeed is ok now (but I have bought Taran Icebreaker), it’s still nowhere close to hunter/warlock speed.

Some people cheer at me. Others gank me (skull warrior) and without any emotes from my side, give me a share of their mind. This ofcourse after kiting him through half of Searing Gorge :D
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DM west
Arielext still needed to get his ‘free’ epic horse and so Zhero was logged in as he has all the materials to do so. This was the DM-west party: Nimra, Shapectre, Milker, Arielext and Zhero. 3 locks, 1 druid, 1 shaman. So with 1 lvl 70, 1 lvl 60 and 3 mid 60’s we went to Dire Maul. And suddenly I noticed flowers in the arena. Not one, but many. 3 black lotusses, mountain silversage, dreamfoil etc. Together with 1 strange mob, which I have never seen before. We went in, took the flowers and took the mob down. I just read now on Thottbot that he is a rare spawn, like Razza and the Ogre, but more rare than the other 2 which I have killed many times. He spawns those flowers and has one blue drop. It was a nice 2-h sword which I got for my paladin. Check the pic for proof :D (you can see the yellow flowerdots)
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We cleaned Dm west in a record time. Bosses dropped within 10 seconds and after 30 minutes we started the event which was too easy. /wave to Arielext when he is passing by on his mount now.

Ravens are still going strong. Six or seven people have reached 70 and others are on their way. While I read topguilds already downed the new Onyxia (some pitlord now) and cleared Karazhan, we will take things at our own speed. It seems my paladin-levelling fits right in there. Enjoy some typical Ravenschat (Hood and Nimra ofcourse):

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Thanks to all the people that have send me items btw. Feralor, Tardark, Nimra, Ghostt, Daymare and Milker. I have a nice headstart thanks to you guys (let's hope I don't forget someone)

-- Zhero (still having fun on his paladin)