Monday, March 19, 2007


You Holy? Wanna Come?
I like being a paladin. I really do, but this is the first time I get so many whispers. I had a full t1 resto druid on 60 (Maro, just brought him to Outlands and respecced full feral), he got some whispers, but not like this. I was questing in Shadowmoon Valley with Waylanderm (more about his warlockalt ‘deadpool’ later) and I received this within 15 minutes (no, not kidding)

Aha, Caught!!! Waylanderm (one of our tanks) has this ud-warlock alt “deadpool”. It was the first character he levelled on this server. I did not see him online that much, but now know why. TRAITOR! I was in AV healing, it’s not like my dps is going to do anything there, and suddenly had this in my target. CAUGHT IN THE ACT!

Ofcourse I killed him and did /spit. Not only he transferred his lock to a different realm, he also transferred it to a night elf warrior!!

The Grind
Kipucka is close to 70 with his paladin. I know the feeling, I really do.

Well, we really love him, but sometimes it’s just nice to poke him a little :D

There could be an item on this dude every week! He is currently levelling a priest in a speed that is kinda unhealthy for normal human beings (so no Nimra to gank the Alliance, use this time well boys!).
Nimroth was 38 yesterday btw and Craps is not 70 yet I believe :D

Quote of the Week
Comes from Nimp as well. Can you say “PWNED”?

-- Zhero (leeched 6 levels from nimp on his rogue in 6 hours. 26-->32)

Monday, March 12, 2007

KaraKey + Epic flying Mount

Karazhan key:
Done: Arcane Disturbances
Done: Restless Activity
Done: Contact from Dalaran
Done: Khadgar
Done: Entry into Karazhan (too bad Nimpie disced and did not come back, we had a good group)
Done: The second and third fragment
Done: ---Steamvaults (This was nice. Sloganizer explained Esaur that this could be done with the speed-aspect of a hunter and a invisibility potion. Esaur offered me the run. We ran twice (i fucked up the first time by taking my potion too early. The second time we were in the water in time and I got my 2nd fragment :D)
Done: ---Arcatraz (Nice group with 2 healers. Kills took a bit longer, but besides the pull in the start where we managed to get the whole chamber, no wipes at all. We only cleared till the fragment)
Done: The Master’s Touch (BM gets easier and easier. Hulkster is a fine tank who was able again to block himself out of the debuffs at the 2nd boss. I was solo healing which is not hard for a paladin)
Done: Return to Khadgar


Epic Flying Mount:
08-03: 114 gold: Just bought flying mount and I am broke
11-03: 1140 gold: Sold all bankstuff from Soni and alts. Grinded herbs and sold them all.
12-03: 1094 gold!: I saw a healing plate belt in AH for 100g. It is one of the best you can get, so I bought it only to discover I already had it (ofcourse this was AFTER I equipped it. Man, I am so dumb sometimes. Regained some money from quests...
14-03: 1214 gold: from running an instance and grinding some quests.
15-03: 1542 gold: sold some herbs and shitz + questing

19-03: Now what you see above is an epic flying mount. Yes, I got one and let me tell you: IT IS AWESOME TO HAVE ONE. So, now that is out, let me tell you how I got it. Friday-evening I am chatting with Nimpie/Nimra. He suddenly asks if I want to loan 2k gold from him. The offer is almost too good, but I decline as I am still 3.7k short. He then ups his offer to 3.5k gold. ZOMG. There's no thinking about this one and I agree. He logs and relogs to send me 3.5k ("I am broke now" he says) and I quickly empty all bags/alts etc. for the last 200g. I bought it and have a 3.5k (actually 3.2k as i payed 300 already) debt now. Maybe I should have waited till I had it all myself, fact is that grinding herbs is a lot quicker on a fast flying mount.

Well, the mount is mine and my debt to Nimpie is not something for this blog :D

-- Zhero (pressuring myself with this blog might help)

Mission Impossible?

Now I am 70 there are lots of goals to go for. The goal I put on first place isn’t the goal many would put there, because it seems as a hell of a job.

- Getting an epic flying mount.

When I dinged 70, I bought the flying mount and noticed I had 114g left. That was it. Some 30-40 gold on some alts, but that was really it. I started flying and loved it, but o_O, slow slow slow. On all my other chars, I always went for an epic mount first as it made a big difference in BG’s and basicly for running around. It is no different now for me. I just want to be able to transport myself as fast as possible and an epic flying mount will get me at that status. A goal that stands next to it from today is getting the Karazhan key. I deliberately did nothing so far to be honest. I got a lot of whispers “dude, get your key asap!”, ‘we need you there”, “why don’t you have your key yet” etc. To be honest it annoyed me a little and I have been questing to get gold so far. But the time has come and my mind is right. I want it! And I want it now!

I want an epic flying mount
I want that Karazhan key.

So my actions will be towards those 2. What does that mean? No gold spending on pots, enchants or any other stuff which is not needed atm. No PvP-ing (though I want to do that as well, I can’t do it all together) Ofcourse I will swallow a pot when it’s needed, but I used to pot up for every instance, just because I had them.

I started with 114 gold last Thursday and started with cleaning out my bank. I had lots of questrewards stocked there (all dps- and tankinggear). I vendored them. I put all my primal life, primal shadow, pots and herbs on the AH. I did the same with my bankchar and my alts, though there was not much on them. This brought me to 600g. I’ve been grinding quests (good gold on lvl 70) and picking up every herb on the way, while cooking all flesh I could find. I put it all on the AH. This got me to 1140 gold as from today. Even the cooked meat (23 spelldamage/20 spirit) for 30 mins sold for 1g a piece! Glad I levelled that cooking to 375 :D

Little fun story: Serra (my 7 year old daughter). She was with me this weekend and I showed her the flying mount I bought. She was totally into it and found it extremely fun to fly as high as she could and then release. She would fall down and right before she would fall on the ground, she would bubble up. And like all kids, she could do this forever. I told her she could gather herbs as well in between the 5 minutes it takes for bubble to cooldown. She did that as well and has gathered a lot of terocone/felweed in this weekend (terocone 37g a stack, felweed 10g a stack) in Terrokar forrest. She wrote it down on a paper for me whenever she found one. I wonder what people were thinking who were in Terrokar this weekend. Every 5 minutes there was a paladin falling from the sky somewhere.

Well, I will make a statusreport for my 2 goals in a new post and edit that one for progress. Epic flying mount in progress.

-- Zhero (Slow mounts do suck).

Friday, March 09, 2007

Soni is lvl 70

So, it finally happened, I am lvl 70. Se-ven-ty levels...omg that is a lot. 12,5 days played is more than I anticipated at the start, but somehow I did not realize that grinding with a paladin does not go very fast. I do now.

Do I still like the class?

I can answer this with a big 'YES'. I am fully holyspecced and since I got myself some damagegear as well, it seems I found a spec which can heal very good and do moderate damage (good enough for questing and some grinding). And the gear will only get better! It's a versatile class, it's a wanted class (I get a lot of whispers), it's a challenging class with lots of options. I used to play MTG (Magic The Gathering) and always liked controll decks instead of red burn or stompy. (the latter were decks that relied on starting with heavy burn and hoping the enemy would lose after their initial burst). Everyone could play those decks. The only way to show skill was by playing a control deck. It's a great challenge! The same goes for paladins. I will train my pvp, I will figure out the counters and hopefully 1 day can be satisfied with the results. It's not sheep--> trinkets--> Fireball--> POMPyro--> CS--> fireblast--> blastwave--> Arcane explosions and let's hope we have a dead opponent. Everyone can do that (I am not dissing mages btw, I still consider Vurtne the best player I have ever seen).

Yesterday I did the questline with the gasmask in Blade Edge Mountains. After a few quests in camp: [something], you need to kill a lvl 68 elite. And damn, she is hard. I engage the first time, use all my cooldowns (including lay on hands), drink a pot and die while she is on 2%. Goddamnit! So I go in thinking mode and figure out I have more chance in full healing gear as my healing gain > damage loss so that should net me more overall damage. I engage again and kill her. THIS is really where the challenge is and luckily all classes can do that. I just feel the paladin has some more skills to work with. Kinda lika a puzzle with more pieces. More of a challenge. I see a lvl 67 warrior with a 68 rogue engage her after me. They die without a chance. I feel even better now and heal them the 2nd attempt.

Well to be short: YES I LIKE MY PALADIN A LOT



-- Zhero (pixels can be hot! btw Drew has a new movie!!! ZOMG! :D)

Thursday, March 01, 2007

February News

ZOMG, I am lvl 68,7 or something like that. Due to having a RL (which is overrated as we all know) I only level slowly. I’m still in Nagrand with only a few quests left and have been running a lot of instances. I even got the T2-lookalike blue headpiece, which is awesome I have to add (for a healing paladin that is). So 3 more area’s to run, which is fine by me as I need to have an epic flying mount as well, so the gold is more than welcome from those quests.

What happened? We had a LAN last weekend. Lots of people showed up, too bad our Danish people could not make it due to a snowstorm at the day they were supposed to drive down. The day before we were all optimistic, but nature put a stop to it.
Besides I do think Artanias wouldn’t join anyway, because Hedrich said she would take him to the movie ‘Dreamgirls’. o_O. That would have made for some weeks of Art-bashing in /g. Too bad it didn’t happen.

Attending now were:
Hulkster, Mortui, Krexxor, Mythica, Waylanderm, Kipucka, Nimpie, Pedropress, Smutty, Soni and our 2 lovely ladies: Sinestra and Hedrich. Hedrich and Pedro: from here a big thanks for the hosting. Excellent stuff. We gamed and levelled, cursed, defeated bosses, wiped on trash and drank beer (or red bull) and had a big dip when sundaymorning around 06:30 skullcrusher went down. I personally entered a PokerStars multitable 45-people tournament and managed to finish 4th (55$). Saturdayevening we all went out for chinese food at the local restaurant. Only Nimpie was afraid to enter as he is still being hunted by chinese goldfarmers for outgrinding them and dropping AH-prices. Luckily he was not recognized though I thought I’d better be safe than sorry and didn’t take anything of the food that Nimpie took :D

Basicly: we had a very very good time and returned home on Sunday-evening, tired but satisfied. And for all you male young guns that wonder: Yes Hedrich and Sinestra are better looking than you guys can imagine and no, I have no pix, so stop whispering me!!

Ravens are going Ravens-like: steady and smooth. The early lvl 70’s already have their keys or are close to having them. The new raid-calendar (check the forum for the link) will be used for planning of future raids and heroic instances. There is still a lot to do for all of us. Make sure you get all your heroic keys (that is revered with all the factions that offer them) as that all will be needed to continue raidwise.

I don’t have much screenies to offer as I notice that I miss a lot of guildchat when grinding quests, but these were still on my harddrive.

This guy gets the price for having a cool name and having this guildname. Awesome if you ask me!
It gets worse and worse with the whispers when in Orgrimmar/Undercity it seems. Send me your responses and I will bundle them all in 1 post.
The guildchat is mainly about penises, their size and who has the biggest. Mary has her own solution for this (poor Dave)
Krexxor is single for a while now. It does seem to get to him :D

But this weeks winner is ofcourse Hood. Who else can beat this dude?
I bet even Illidan goes speechless.

-- Zhero (brought all his 60's to outland to get their professions up and running for a steady income)