Friday, April 25, 2008

Bearform = Fearform

I noticed this in the patchnotes (2.4.2)

Scare Beast: The range on this spell has been increased to 30 yards and it is now instant cast.

hohoho, normally i am not paying that much attention to other classes, just briefly glancing through it, but this is a BIG BIG nerf for my beloved druid. Bearform = Fearform and 30 yards is ridiculous. Manadrained while feared in travelform. hmmmm, manadrain while feared.

We'll soon have dead bears all over the place

Someone call WNF!!

Or am i overreacting?

-- Zhero (fixed the engineering epic gun on my hunter, still need more upgrades)

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Old news, but funny

Artanias (our beloved pvp-mage who is chatting with girls like 95% of the time while he is raiding) is well known. Even Alliance honors him now with 'his' own guild.

It is already a week old, but I only noticed it today. Putting it here for the other guildies which might not read the forums.

-- Zhero (working atm, or physically at the office, but mentally in Azeroth)

Monday, April 21, 2008

Maix, dreamstatedestrokin

After my last blog, I had a small conversation with Artanias. He ‘advised’ me to go with 2 chars: druid and rogue. I decided to follow it up a little and focus now on the druid. What does this mean?

- If i go sit down to play, I start with my druid.
- I do daily BG with my druid first
- I do the new dailies for Shattered Sun rep with my druid first
- I do repgrinds for my druid.

After the daily and rep is done, i can do things with my other chars. (respecced my lock to destruction for some fun in BG’s). I randomly do things with my other chars now without feeling ‘guilty’ for not spending the time with my main.

There were still some things to do on the druid. I still needed Aldor exalted, Thrallmar revered for the healingheadenchant, my First Aid was on lvl 175, my enchanting was on 370.

What I achieved so far:
- Levelled FA to 375
- Levelled Enchanting to 375 (need sha’tar rep voor the healingenchant though)
- Made myself exalted with Aldor (i did this by logging my rogue from time to time and grinding for 40 marks of sargeras (1000 rep) and quitting when i got them. It would net me 2-3 fel armaments as well, so 1700-2000 rep per session. I did7 or 8 of those sessions which made me exalted this morning (after the last session gave me 7 fel armaments :D). This grind felt not much like a grind this way.
- Close to honored with doing the 6 quests on the island with Shattered Sun, without ever seeing the inside of the instance.

To be able to do the Shattered Sun quests I respecced to a “Dreamstate”-build and that is a lot of fun (not in arena so far, but certainly in bg’s). This was from the AV-daily. Most healing done, good damage done, good kills and having fun while doing it!

Maix, MVP of AV

I tend to play like this until my goals are reached. Then It is only waiting for arenapoints (and rating lol) to get more items. In the meantime my honor (30k now or so) will go on till 75k and I will be ready for the new season right from the start.

Zhero gets known it seems. Whole guilds are inspired by me.

-- Zhero (destruction IS fun, especially unsuspecting warriors drop like little flies)

Friday, April 18, 2008

How much I power do you have?

I was looking for Athene (the best paladin in the world) while browsing at work (to kill time) and noticed these guys are actually more than just funny moviemakers.

I post it here, because I strongly believe in it.

copy/pasted from movielol

I Power
'I Power' refers to the power that each individual has to change and to take control of his own life.

It is a lifestyle based on 3 fundamental principles:

1. Being open-minded
Being open to all ideas and approaching them without prejudice.
2. Active thinking
Thinking about all the ideas that matter to you.
3. Putting your vision into practice
Actively making changes to your life as you reach new conclusions.

Beyond these 3 basic principles, there are no rules or restrictions attached to I Power. The I Power lifestyle is simply about actively thinking and making changes to make sure that you are exactly who you want to be, that your actions and your thoughts are aligned while always having an open mind.

The more you actively think about things and put your views into practice, the more I Power you have. Because I Power refers to the power you have to change things and take control over your own life

-- Zhero (not being emo here, just seeing some people with the same view)

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Help me out here!!

I just was informed about the 2200 rating required for S4 shoulders. That seems very high to me (i never ever broke 1850, yes I am that bad). And somewhere else I read a lot of gear will get requirements. (head/chest 1850 needed etc.). I am not really sure if it is true, but I am wondering if that is a good thing.

My chars are typical examples of a lot of chars. 4/5 S3 with S2 weapons. My druid/lock and rogue have this. That is not something special, at this point in the season everyone has this who picked up his point every week. It is the typical sign of a character who picks up points by playing 10 games a week. The funny part is that I do not think of myself as an average pvp-er, but my gear proves otherwise.

It’s a nasty situation to be in.

I wonder if it is because i try to play too many character (already picking up points with my hunter as well) and I do not focus on completing others (aldor/scryer not exalted for example on some). And I keep telling myself that it does not matter if you can’t break 1850 anyway, but maybe it does matter in a different sense then.

If I was able to focus on 1 character, I would be ‘better’ at it as well. I admire people like Xinco (Naked) and Artanias who have 1 char. Those guys already probably have 5k arenapoints and 75k honor points waiting for them as well as Sunwell-exalted. Why can’t I stick to 1 char? I know I would be exalted with all important factions then. I know I would have had a bizillion badges in the bank. Now I have 30 badges on all my chars, instead of 150 on one. Now I am halfway to exalted with aldor/scryer with all my chars, instead of fully on one. Now I am halfway to exalted in all BG’s (not that it matters, but still) instead of exalted with all BG’s on 1 char.

The good side is that after I have been healing for 2-3 hours, I can take my rogue and kill stuff. We all know it feels good to change mains from time to time. My problem seems to be that I have 5 mains. Yesterday I even caught myself in WSG with my paladin (in greens and blues) and even enjoyed that, while we all know that a paladin can’t keep you satisfied for larger amounts of time.

So what to do?

Focus on 1 char? Optimize it (with professions as well, do you have any idea how expensive it is to level 10 professions to 375) and maybe reach 1850+ ratings as well with the risc of getting burned out on wow and that char. But getting real good at it (maybe even in pve) will satisfy some needs as well. (but which char is it then?)

Stay with multiple mains and try and be good with multiple less-optimal chars. Be annoyed by the fact you can’t reach higher ratings, but happy with the fact there is always something to do?

Please give me an answer as I have not been able to answer it in 3 years.

Fuck me!

-- Zhero (thinking about destructiongear for fun in S4)

Thursday, April 10, 2008

PvP char, the beginning

I forgot how it felt to be 1- and 2-shotted, but I know now again. A warrior charges me, as I have no trinket yet, I can’t free myself and i get slain pretty fast. Same with a rogue on me. But then again, that is the fate of new fresh 70’s. I know I’ve slain a lot with my rogue, now it is my time to suffer.

But I have my first epic!

Bought the Vindicator Chain Bracers and put a 8 hit rating gem in it as I seem to be missing a lot. Slammed 26 AP on it as well, so onto the next. AV weekend is coming weekend, so hopefully I can get another armor piece this weekend. The big gameplan is to save up arenapoints (a thrilling 300 a week) and buy S3 bow when S4 starts. In the meantime I grind vindicator armor. Besides that I might put in some effort to get more blue pvp-rewards which you get from being honored with different factions.

On a more common note. I see lots of people grinding the S1 gear on new chars. I am not sure why they do that. When I started my druid, i bought vindicator for honor and vengefull with arenapoints. Now I am 4/5 S3 with all vindicator which seems to me is a lot better than S1 gear and does not feel as a waste at all. It takes a bit longer ofcourse, but why settle for less? Why spend honorpoints (unless you had 75k stacked or something) on S1 when you can spend it on S3 honorepix?

Me (Maix, druid), Vin (Thentvaen, rogue) and Jur (Karma, warrior) jumped on the double melee bandwagon and reached 1700 rating yesterday. We rolled all RMP, but had problems with hunter/warrior/druid. We basicly rolled every team with a clothie. 5 points expose armor (talented) from the start and then double melee whacking away on a clothie leaves no time for their healer to do anything else but healing. It dies anyway sometimes even before I could cyclone their healer. World of Meleecraft atm.

I am glad I am no mage in this time of WoW (mine is lvl 64 though :D).

-- Zhero (probably respeccing the hunter to 0/41/20 or something like that. Surefooted ftw!?)

Monday, April 07, 2008

Jasmina is 70

She finally made it to 70. It was one of my oldest characters (originally played by my, then 5 year old, daughter (check one of my older articles on her.). I levelled it to 70 in a about 3 weeks time.

I still wonder where that '29 minutes played on this level comes from' as I screened about 30 seconds after I dinged 70.

That brings my chars as follows
- Zhero (70 lock, full PvP gear 492 res, 13k hp)
- Kirosta (70 rogue, full PvP gear. Hits hard! 400 res)
- Maix (70 druid, full PvP gear, PvE mace, 420 res)
- Soni (70 paladin, healing blues with 1 or 2 epix)
- Jasmina (70 hunter, greens mostly with an AH-blue-bow)

I always admire people who can play 1 character. They are able to grind the rep on that one (reputation is a big downside of multiple chars) and even collect offspec gear. I am not even sure why i am doing it, but ofcourse you can find me on the hunter in the BG's as I want PvP gear on this one as well. I will regret it afterwards when I realize I could have had 75k honor waiting for S4 on my main (whichever that is, as I myself am not sure at this moment).

Doing arena and the opposing paladin is bringing a smile to my face. These are nice names.

An alliance WITH humor! Always nice to see they can be normal as well (seen so many /spits that I lost count while ganking on the Sunwell Isle).

-- Zhero (walking around with a free honor hunter atm)

Thursday, April 03, 2008

back in WoW, back in the game, back in blogging

I reinstalled my pc, lost my passwords in the process and it took me some time to regain access here. But here I am. I had a post ready at work, but could not post it due to not knowing my accountname/password, so I will post 2 pix I took the last day. I respecced my rogue, regemmed my rogue, re-enchanted my rogue (1000g down the drain, zomg) and kill everything now. It's not even fair anymore. 2 BG's yesterday, see for yourself

Ranged classes rule in AV? LOL! They die quick you mean.


One thing keeps annoying me though. It's been like this what? from day 1? I pop cloak to be able to vanish and get auto-attacked out of it. 2 seconds immune after vanish would solve this i guess.

-- Zhero (back in blogland)