Monday, January 29, 2007

Soni, some stuff

So, it's monday. Due to having my daughter I have hardly played this weekend (which is ofcourse the best reason of all). Yesterdayevening Kolbe was bored and offered me to help me with a few quests. So I abused him rightaway and did all the Stranglethorn-quests which were open. This brought me at lvl 43,5.

Best encounter so far was with a 42 (I was 42 as well) human paladin. My /wave was greeted with an attack and we went for it. For his sake I hope I outgeared him badly, because I was left with 75% HP and 90% mana while I was watching his dead body on the ground. I still like the class a lot. It has a lot to offer and that suits me just fine. Now running to 60 again is not my favourite hobby, but I feel the gap closing. At 58 I will step through the portal and will enjoy the content from there on. I've seen some TBC-recepies and want to level cooking now as well. I hoped I could do it from buying stuff in the Auction House and cook it, but it is not to be. AH is empty and believe me. If you would put 20 Raw Longjaw Mud Snapper in the AH for 3g, I would buy it. It might actually be worth it to fish for it as nobody puts the uncooked ones in the AH.

Ravens are still Ravens. People are slowly levelling. Nimra and Waylanderm made it to 70. They were soon joined by Uglyone and Zeppox. Others will come there as well the coming weeks and within 2 months we will be back on raiding track I suppose. 2 more days off for me then back to work, though those days are half-filled with RL. Taking 2 weeks off for gaming really does not work as RL is never far away and won't let you continuously game. I'll leave you with two Hood originals;

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Really: this guy makes me speechless.

-- Zhero

Thursday, January 25, 2007

No words needed

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-- Zhero

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Soni, past 3 days

So no updates in the weekend. I did continue levelling though and am lvl 35 at the moment. I trained my FA to 300 (and use it a lot, saving mana for seals and judgements), am 225/225 alchemy and 200+ herbalism. I find it important to keep the professions levelled else you will have to do it later and for the gathering professions that is a pain in the butt.

Some stuff about paladins.
- They do not 2-shot mobs (yes at lower levels they do), but it gets worse. Maybe it gets better with crusaderstrike. I keep buying blue weapons to keep my damage top and it is needed to be able to have some kind of grinding speed
- You hardly die (to mobs or adds). It's no problem to take on 3-4 mobs of the same level with all the tricks you have.
- The manasteal racial and the aoesilence racial from bloodelf are nice. The mana gained is not that big. The silence however rox ofcourse, interrupting all kinds of spells while gaining some mana back. I use it all the time to get used to it.
- Bubble is nice! It gets you out of tricky situation, it let's you jump down cliffs or walk through a camp of mobs for the shortest way. I love it.
- Waylanderm and Zeppox ran me through all of Scarlet Monastery and I run around with the 1h sword and shield from the quests (not the drops, they are too high level). I have a significant dps-improve (with 1h!!!) while wearing a shield. I now can grind forever which is a big plus in STV. (Tnx Marv & Renske!).
- I took the 8% speedincrease talents. They rock. Walking is boring, this helps. 5 more levels to mount... (did I mention that walking is boring)
- I still like the class. Though I am full retribution specced (well solo-ing 95% of the time, so it is needed), I see a lot of nice options in the other trees which I will certainly try once I group more.
- A lot of armor is handy! I am used to cloth classes (mage, lock), so this is very nice for a change. Ofcourse it did not help to the draenei lvl 40 shammy who chainlightning crit me for 600 while i was busy with 2 raptors...)
- I am anxious to see the new content as well, but when I walk into Outlands with Zhero I think I will continue playing.
- I will level this paladin to 60 first. Then continue with the pala to 70 while levelling Zhero on rested exp. That is the plan.
- I'll try to make some pics tonight. (Soni looks awesome).

edit: here a screeny from when I happened to be spectator at saddam's hanging:

Soni at Saddam's hanging

-- Zhero

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Soni, part II

So no play on wednesday, but a whole thursday ahead of me. I like the paladin so far. I am still doing ok-damage to be able to do all the quests solo at reasonable speed. Now Hulkster told me I could get a mount at low level already, so I am off to Silvermoon to check it out (need to train my lvl 20 skills anyway)

12:28 ding level 20. Stay tuned for more.
16:18 ding level 21. I had dinner, and levelled alchemy and first aid and did the long travel to tarren mill. Waylanderm and Zeppox just got me through Waling Caverns. That will speed it up to the next level. Appearantly the mount thing is a bug which works only for Draenei. Too bad :D
17:33 ding level 22. Went to Tarren Mill, but I was just a little too low for it. With carefull bodypulls I managed to get out of Durneholde keep. Time to go to Stonetalon and Ashenvale I guess.
22:50 ding level 23. Bad bad bad levelling. Too much running around with no good thinking. Let's keep it at this today. Tomorrow is another day and I need to get up early anyway.

Let's just continue here. I started friday at 10:30 or so.
12:40 ding level 24. Daymare helped me with my palaquest. You need to be in 3 instances (talking about timesinking) for a suboptimal weapon. That should have been done different imo. I walked into another pally as well and after I helped him, we had the following conversation:
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Hehe, isn't that nice! My punjabi is not what it used to be, else I would have known ofcourse :D
14:54 took a shower, have to pick up my daughter from school and will spend the afternoon with her. After that some poker and booze at a friends house. I am close to lvl 25. Tomorrow more. Quote of the day was from Matse.
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Can you say "PWNED!"

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Hora Est


08:34 Jur calls me to check if I am awake already, cause the gamstore opens at 09:00
08:35 I have 2 sms, 2 msn-messages about if I am installing already
09:15 Without breakfast I drive to the gameshop and receive my copy
09:42 Installing as I type. It's going smoothly (I should not read the techforum with all the problems etc. It just gets me nervous)
10:01 Waylanderm calls me to say we are not a hardcore guild. Only 4 online from which 2 bought the game. Liandria seems to have pulled an all nighter. Damn that girl ROXX!
10:15 "Soni" the paladin is created. We have some hours to level!

---I plan on posting here during the day

10:18 ding level 2. Not much pala's created yet. I count 14 or so with 3 of them lvl 13 (playing all night i guess)
10:27 ding level 3
10:34 ding level 4 (waylanderm walked into his first gankers :D)
10:59 ding level 5 (doorbells interfering with levelling)
11:01 counting 21 paladins
11:12 ding level 6
11:15 running to a new area now. quick screeny for those interested of my new pala
Soni the bloodelf paladin
11:42 ding level 7 (vinnie was installing as well i heard :D)
12:37 So, I lost a shitload of time because my mom thought it would be handy to fuck up the copier/printer on my room. So I spend a good 40 minutes of getting out all kinds of pieces of paper. This copier should get a price for most jammed copier ever. RL happens at times you don't want it...
12:47 ding level 8. Hopefully now full speed ahead. I had 34893 msn-chats, in game, phones and shit. All good ofcourse, but it takes A LOT (understatement really) of time. Well I should not complain. Sorciah just called me. He took the afternoon off, bought the game and during installation his PC dies. Talking about bad luck. He is currently LF PC-doctor.
12:55 My 4 16slot bags arrived together with 30g for taking care of the first few levels. That should make life easier
13:45 level 9 (the chat is like barrenschat in belf starter area, so you will feel right at home and comfortable :D)
14:11 ding level 10. I could deliver some quests, that's why it went fast. gogo first talent point!
15:06 ding level 11. more than 49 pala's are online now. let's see if i can find someone who can port me to the barrens. I like the barrens.
15:39 travelled from silvermoon city through the portal to UC and from there to Orgrimmar where i got a lot of whispers and people asking if I could do emotes. Never saw so many lvl 60's gasping at a lvl 11. Omw to X-roads now.
16:33 ding level 12. Questing around X-roads atm with some people admiring me and other whispering nasty things like "fuck off to Alliance, noob". True story.
17:49 ding level 13. Annoying thing is i am questing in the barrens and my trainer is in Undercity. Outland-servers just collapses 2 times it seems by lists of guildies discing. Just the first time i type I hope it is just a fluke.
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20:55 or so (blogger was kinda down) ding level 14. Still a lot of people inspecting me and asking me to dance.
21:58 ding level 15. I get buffs from all kinds of classes. Rather nice for a change! Sad pulled me through RFC and that helps a lot as well.
23:07 ding level 16. I got a lot of shammies 2-4 levels above me that want to duel me. I do that, loose and they start boasting. Makes you wanna get your lock.
00:36 ding level 17. Questing, questing, questing
01:53 ding level 18. Got a nice blue mace which hits very hard. I like this paladin
03:33 I log out. Have been chatting for the last 30 mins. Too tired to continue right now. 18,5. I picked up all the quests for WC (let's hope I find someone :D). You know you;re too tired when you finish a quest, return to X-roads and then can't deliver it because you only have 7/8 altered beings...Well more stuff like that happened, so better to get some sleep then. I can;t play tomorrow, but will continue the log friday I think. (planning on at least half a day of playtime)

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Wanna roleplay?

Think before getting on one of those servers, you never know what you're gonna get!

Now this is a classic and I am just posting it here for it’s unique place in WoW-history. You might have missed it if you’re not playing that long. (and besides that I had a little mail-conversation about roleplaying with Vinnie and Milker which reminded me of this one). This was posted on some guild’s forum where one of their members had experienced this back in 2005:

“Out of sheer boredom and the need to do a little PvP research, I recently found myself exploring the Deeprun Tram on a local roleplaying server. With exploration under way, I trekked deep within the confines of the tram and found something rather unusual. What was this standing before me? Two naked night elves of course."
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"At first the sight struck me with some skepticism. Being from a PvP realm, we don't generally see naked characters bent in front of each other in the middle of nowhere. None the less, the situation quickly revealed itself."
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"I couldn't help but chuckle a moment and retreat back to the shadows from which I came. Had they seen me approach? From the looks of it...... no. So I watched intently."
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"Intrigued by this fantastic "roleplaying" experience, I felt it was my duty to perpetuate the general merriment of all. So I gathered my composure and began to engage in my own "roleplaying" theatrics."
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"Oh crap. Somehow they caught me. I was roleplaying hidden in the shadows... how the hell did they find me? So I did what any self respecting pervert would do. HIDE!"
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"Unsuccessful with my attempt to roleplay, I figured what the hell. I might as well just start a dwarven sandwich while the getting is good. So I charge in gropes a blazing."
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"Not a moment later, Inotep and Artemisa left me with a stinging remark that will be forever remembered."
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"Feeling a bit perverted, I felt I would do the right thing and offer an apology."
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"With my apology shot down, the feeling of urgency began to overwhelm me. Wait a minute, what a bunch of hypocritical bullshit. I was "roleplaying" hidden damn it. I moved to rebuttal."
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"This concludes my wonderful adventure on a roleplaying realm. I apologize for the vulgarity that some of this post contains. I don't believe that the essence of a "roleplaying" experience would have been captured as well given censorship was taken. All in all, I suppose only one thing can be said about roleplaying realms…"
-Tactic "The Dirty Dwarf" Gedran

Ofcourse I copied/pasted this from somewhere, but hell it even made me laugh again, so I feel a cheap fill of my blog is in order :D

-- Zhero

Thursday, January 04, 2007


Jasmina is lvl 60. She is a female troll hunter. Last night I grinded the last 1,25 level. Some guildies thought I had done that very quick, but the thruth is she is older than most of them.

Back when WoW came out most Ravens (Talanor, Nevermore, Tardark to name a few) moved from Ryzom to WoW. I hung on to Ryzom for 1 week longer and was digging there in the Prime Roots to level my PrimeRootsHarvesting (which was very high I might add :D). It was empty in the guildchat, a few leftovers and that was it. I was digging there for a few nights and decided I had to buy the game as well. I went to the shop, bought the game and Vin and Nevermore told me to make a tauren on skullcrusher. I made a druid (since I liked them a lot in Diablo II) without a clue on what to do. It turned out Vin (Talanor) and Dieter (Tantor) had taurens as well and I started to do a little catchup on them. Later I stopped the druid when I saw UD’s for the first time in X-roads. They looked awesome! That was something that did not seem so from the creationscreen. I stopped my 24 druid, made an ud-mage and started playing that.

By that time my daughter had joy in creating characters. She knew how it worked and sometimes when I came home I had 12 new chars (all lvl 1-3) on different servers. Gnomes, elves, humans, trolls, orcs etc. All female and all different. She liked to play with different hair, different looks etc. I came home and she took me upstairs to proudly show me the ones she made. They had the most strange names: Liakji, Fuiku, Kjhdie etc. She always asked me to pronounce the names and then had the biggest fun. While sitting there with her she made a female troll hunter. When we had to enter the name, she asked me to name it “Jasmina” and so I did. She did the standard lvl 3 and then quit. And so, Jasmina was born. And that was even before Zhero was created or Sonia was higher than lvl 20.

As Jasmina was on Skullcrusher, I didn’t delete it. I used to delete a lot of the chars she made to prevent having 8 chars on every server possible and one night I decided to surprise her and levelled Jasmina to level 10 and got a pet. The day after I showed her and she liked it a lot (ofcourse :D) and she started playing with it. I taught her to send the pet and shoot. She did that and pressed all the buttons on the bar for shooting (I removed all irrelevant buttons for her, so she could not press ‘wrong’). She started to enjoy it. I came home another day and she had been busy in the Barrens shooting everything in sight and slowly levelling Jasmina while in the mean time collecting “schatjes” (dutch for treasure). Her bank was (and to this day still is) filled with pearls and shiny stuff. The gold bar Vinnie has send to her is up till now her most valuable treasure.

I did not play with Jasmina, but she did every once in a while. Best thing was that she learned how to pick up quests (yellow exclamation mark) but could not read what to do. So she picked up all quests she could find and started to randomly kill stuff untill something like “barrens tiger 1/6” appeared. She then kept on killing them untill she completed that quest.

Nice story from back then: At lvl 22 I send her to Ashenvale and while we had visitors she had been busy there for an hour or so. When I came upstairs I noticed that she was playing in a group with someone and I just read his question in the chat. It was something along the lines of “do you have this quest as well”. I quickly jumped in and typed that he was playing with a 5-year-old and she could not read it. He was surprised and said she did real well and they had been playing together for over 45 minutes. She just jumped on the target he selected with pet and Jasmina and they killed them together. I was proud :D

It was not untill a few weeks ago when she asked me to level Jasmina to lvl 60. Jasmina was 28 at that time with 5 days /played. I did not look back and the last 2 weeks I have been powerplaying and made it to 60 in /played 9 days and 11 hours. Hunter is by far the easiest class to level. Just spec beastmastery and go. I used a levellingguide (to test it as well for my upcoming paladin, it is really really helpful) and made her 60. 2 days ago she asked me another thing, while I had in my mind to get some pvp-gear to replace the green sh1t I am using now, and made me realize she and I are playing different games: “And dad, when she is 60, will you get her some nice looking dress as well?”.

True story

-- Zhero (taking a 9 day break from levelling now)