Ravens LAN, Nimramaw and Farlon
We had a LAN this weekend with some Ravens in our GM’s house. It was awesome!
“The Evil Cow”-Nevermore
“The Lovely Hostess”-Temporan
“The Overpowered”-Krexxor
“OOM is not in my dictionary”-Mortui
“Sorry for those two extra groups”-Waylanderm
“Eat this arrow”-Zeppox
“He Who Does Damage”-Rastaman
“The Silent One”-Hedrich
“Protector of the Timermaw”-Nimra
“Frost or Fire?”-Sonia
What did we do? We drank bullet, ate snacks and chips and chinese takeout. Cleared ZG, did random stuff, killed Timbermaw, grinded gold, did some random instances and had a lot of fun. We played from saturdaymorning till late in the afternoon on Sunday. I don’t think any pics were made, but I am not sure as I was not really awake. Hedrich and Rastaman were first timers on a Ravenslan, the others did meet before. This was a little goodbye to Nevermore as well as he will have to work the coming months and could not promise us internetaccess for those months.
Now Nimra. This dude levelled a warrior to 51 before he joined on Skullcrusher. He then went on to make a 60 rogue, 60 hunter and a 60 warlock. On his rogue he grinded exalted AB and AV back in the times when AV was taking anything from 3 to 24 hours (but were at least won by Horde) and AB-queue’s were 20-60 minutes. He changed to hunter, grinded exalted with those 2 again and went 1 step further and grinded exalted with the Timbermaw. He took a little break from WoW, gave his account away and then started again on a warlock. He is already exalted with AB and AV again and did the unthinkable.
He went to his friends the Timbermaw again and gained another exalted status. To be honest I’ve never read that anywhere. He surely is the grandmaster of grind!
Chinese farmers can’t kill him! “How Can You Kill That Which Has No Life?”
Jonez on sex and relationships
And then we have Jonez/Farlon. This dude keeps amazing me. Some random weeknight he was all loose and gave us a speech about his sexlife, his preferences and his relationship. Drugs and booze might have been involved, but this just can be his true self as well. There was more too it, but I just couldn’t screen it all.
The guildchatsubject was sex and this was Farlon’s contribution
Then he just let his thoughts hit the screen
And when someone said we would die then
He went on about his preferences and fantasies
and told us about his past relationship
and you wonder why stuff like Cyberpatrol exists? I don’t.
-- Zhero